Investing in a better future for the Central Coast

Media release
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
The Hon Anthony Albanese MP
Prime Minister of Australia
The Hon Catherine King MP
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government
Dr Gordon Reid MP
Member for Robertson

The Albanese Government is making critical investments in Central Coast transport and infrastructure, improving road safety and building thriving communities. 

At the 2022 election, we committed $2.5 million to fully fund a new building for the Kincumber Roos Soccer Club.

This includes a new clubhouse, change and bathrooms, canteen and carpark – a better, safer space to bring the community together.

Along with community infrastructure, we’re investing in roads to improve safety and reduce congestion.

The Central Coast will benefit from the Government’s increase to the Roads to Recovery Program, with the Council receiving $24 million over the next five years – over $10 million more than they were forecast to receive under the previous Government.

This means more money than ever before to spend on maintenance such as fixing potholes, upgrading pavements and improving drainage.

We are also investing in critical projects, including the Avoca Drive Upgrade, which includes widening the section between Carrak Road and Killuna Road intersections to improve traffic flow and safety.

This is due to commence construction in mid-2025 and be completed by late 2028.

And the Central Coast Highway Upgrades, which include improving the intersection between Central Coast Highway and Tumbi Road and fixing the notorious bottleneck between Wamberal and Bateau Bay.

Work is also underway on projects in the Central Coast Road Upgrades – a $40 million commitment made at the 2022 election.

This adds to the $86.5 million Central Coast Roads Package which continues to progress, with the Albanese Government fully funding 29 individual road projects across the region.

Quotes attributable to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“Community facilities like the Kincumber Roos Soccer Club are the soul of local communities, providing a place to gather and connect.

“This is why my Government is committed to supporting local infrastructure, and why regional Australia is so important to our plan for a resilient and prosperous nation.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:

“We are delivering a better future for all Australians, one made in Australia that builds economic opportunity and prosperous communities.

“Our Government is working for all Australians to deliver significant infrastructure that connects communities, stimulates jobs and builds the future of our nation.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid:

“Whether it’s upgrading local sporting facilities for the Kincumber Roos Soccer Club right through to investing in nationally-significant road upgrades, we are delivering on our commitments to the Central Coast.

“Our Roads to Recovery funding injection will make it easier for Central Coast Council to progress priority road projects that our community is calling out for.”