Tax cuts for every taxpayer
We’ve given every Australian taxpayer a tax cut to help with the cost of living.
The former government's tax cuts left out people earning $45,000 or less. We’ve made sure no one gets left behind.
That means more money in your pocket, every pay day.
And we’ll keep building on our cost of living relief, with another tax cut next year and the year
after for every Australian taxpayer.
Energy bill relief
Energy prices have spiked around the world.
We’ve taken action to protect Australians from the worst of it, rolling out $300 off energy bills for every household and $325 for small businesses.
We’re not stopping there. We’ll take another $150 off power bills this year for every household
and for small businesses.
Free TAFE is changing lives. There have been around 600,000 enrolments so far.
And we’re making free TAFE permanent.
Whether it’s child care or cybersecurity, accounting or aged care – with free TAFE, you can train for the job you want without worrying about the cost.
Back to topMedicare
When you’re sick, seeing a doctor shouldn’t be a struggle.
That’s why we’ll make the biggest boost to Medicare ever, so you’ll be able to see the GP for free.
Our massive investments in health are already helping 11 million pensioners, concession card holders and families get bulk billed.
We’ve opened 87 free Medicare Urgent Care Clinics across Australia, and we’ll open 50 more. They open early and close late, so you can get the care you need, when you need it.
Back to topCheaper medicine
You should be able to get the medicine you need, without worrying about the cost.
That’s why we reduced the maximum amount you’ll pay to $31.60 and made sure that concession card holders pay no more than $7.70. And many Australians can now get twice the medication for the cost of a single prescription.
We’ve also added many new medicines to the PBS for conditions like breast, prostate and lung cancer, so you pay less at the pharmacy. Without subsidy, a course of treatment could cost more than $100,000 – now it will cost no more than $31.60 per script.
And we’ll keep building, making medicine even cheaper so the most you'll pay is just $25 a script.
Back to topUni students
Going to uni should open up opportunities, not leave you with a lifetime of debt.
That’s why we cut $3 billion in student debt for 3 million Australians, and made sure loans never grow faster than wages into the future. Next, we’ll wipe a further 20% off student debt.
We’ve also set up the new Commonwealth Prac Payment to help students with the cost of living. That means if you’re studying to be a teacher, nurse, midwife or social worker, you can get paid while doing your placement.
Back to topPay rises for workers
Real wages are growing again. And with our tax cuts, Australians are keeping more of what they earn.
We’ve delivered historic pay rises for child care and aged care workers, helping bring the gender pay gap to its lowest level on record.
And we’ve backed 3 pay rises in a row for 2.6 million minimum and award wage workers.
Back to topChild care
We want every child to get the best start in life, without costs getting in the way.
That’s why we made child care cheaper, saving families thousands of dollars a year. And we will also guarantee 3 days of child care subsidy.
Back to topSupporting parents
More support, more financial security and more flexibility for parents.
That’s what we’re delivering by extending paid parental leave to 6 months.
And starting this year, we’ll add super to government paid parental leave – because it’s the fair thing to do.
Single parents make sacrifices and work so hard to give their kids a better life.
We've expanded access to the single parent payment, boosting support for around 97,000 single parents by hundreds of dollars a fortnight.
Back to topResponsible economic management
When we came to government, inflation was rising, real wages were falling, and people were doing it tough. We made a choice to turn things around without leaving people behind.
Now, inflation is coming down. Real wages have risen five quarters in a row. Interest rates have started to fall. We’ve delivered back-to-back budget surpluses for the first time in nearly 2 decades. We’ve kept unemployment low and over a million new jobs have been created.
The world has thrown a lot of challenges at Australia, but our economy is turning the corner.