Radio interview - Triple M Breakfast with Marto, Margaux and Dan

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister

HOST: Well, he's on his way to Brisbane for National Cabinet. Should we all be upstanding? And I will play the anthem. It's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. Hello, Albo. Here's the anthem.

HOST: Hello, Albo.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: It's very brave of you to play on Brisbane radio the day before the Broncos match.

HOST: We are all about balance here on Triple M.

PRIME MINISTER: Go the Bunnies.

HOST: Albo, how many games, do you only watch the Bunnies game? How many games of NRL would you get to in a weekend? 3, 4, 7?

PRIME MINISTER: Mate, if I got to one every weekend, that would be ideal. But I can't do that, unfortunately.

HOST: He is a busy man.

PRIME MINISTER: I'm going to be in Brisbane, believe it or not, obviously today and tomorrow for National Cabinet. And then I'm leaving Brisbane even though the Bunnies are playing. There will be a little tear shed as the plane takes off.

HOST: You've missed an opportunity, a, to be here for the Bunnies-Broncos game, but then next weekend is Magic Round. Prime Minister, you could have been here for the Magic Round weekend and seen all of it happen.

PRIME MINISTER: Magic Round is such a fabulous concept. And I note that the AFL have now copied it. It is the NRL that set the agenda. And it's fantastic to walk around Brisbane and you see everyone with their footy jumpers on, it's great for tourism. It's a fantastic initiative. And unfortunately, I will miss that again, but I've got to go to the King's Coronation.

HOST: You've got an invite and Meghan Markle didn't. What's going on, Anthony Albanese?

PRIME MINISTER: I'm not getting into the politics of the Family. I'll stay away from that.

HOST: Albo, you know how it's a thing that at every event in Australia, if the Rabbitohs are involved or not, there's always a bloke or a girl there with a Rabbitohs jersey on. Can you please wear your Rabbitohs jersey to the Coronation?

PRIME MINISTER: I'll be the Random Souths Guy at the Coronation.

HOST: And when they sing 'God Save the King' can you just sing this?

PRIME MINISTER: That will be a hoot. Well, it would stand out. It would be an interesting way to end my career.

HOST: How long until the PR team goes, 'The optics of the Prime Minister losing the tipping comp aren't great, it doesn't pass the pub test. We'll need to get a team of rugby league professionals around to help you with your tips'.

PRIME MINISTER: The professionals, Corey Parker, would know something about it.

HOST: I think it's more relatable that you're losing, Anthony. I think people want to be beating you. 'I'm better than the Prime Minister at tipping'.

PRIME MINISTER: It is all part of my strategy.

HOST: What are you coming to Brisbane for? Should we talk about that?

PRIME MINISTER: For the National Cabinet, where I'll be talking about health reform will be at the top of the agenda, how do we take pressure off hospitals.

HOST: We will give you ABC's number.

HOST: Back to the Rabbitohs, Albo.

HOST: Thank you, sir. We know you are a busy man. Thanks for your time this morning.

HOST: Good luck at the Coronation.

PRIME MINISTER: Thank you very much. I'll give your Rabbitohs Random Souths Guy a lot of thought. Maybe I'll wear it around maybe not to the Coronation.

HOST: A scarf is not a bad idea. Or can you do some Rabbitohs socks, Albo, under the suit?

PRIME MINISTER: There's one. The socks, it is on.

HOST: Eating some Smith's crisps?

PRIME MINISTER: No, that is old school. I reckon the Bunnies socks, I will get away with that in photos.

HOST: Okay. If you see the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the King's Coronation with Bunnies socks on, that is a nod to Triple M Brisbane.

HOST: Show us your socks, sir.

HOST: We are going to lock that in.


HOST: Thank you. That's enough politics, Prime Minister.

HOST: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, thank you for joining us.

HOST: Go the Broncos. See you, Albo.