Radio interview - Triple M Sydney with Mick & MG in the morning

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister

HOST: I'm going to have to interrupt you here. Because we've got the biggest of the biggest. I argued before that this man might be very busy. So, I think we're very honoured to welcome this guy.

HOST: Who is this? Who is it? Hello?

HOST: Who have we got on the phone? Hello?

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER:Hello. Welcome back to Triple M and welcome to Sydney, Mick.

HOST: It is the PM.

PRIME MINISTER: It's a very distinctive voice, unfortunately, I am told.

HOST: I thought, 'Who's doing the impersonations around here? They are excellent'.

PRIME MINISTER: That isn't always a compliment.

HOST: Well, I'm honoured that you found time in your busy schedule to ring in and say hi. I'm going to ask you a question just off the bat. You're not wearing fancy dress, I hope, Mr Albanese, are you?

PRIME MINISTER: No, I am certainly not.

HOST: You've done the right thing.

PRIME MINISTER: I understand this can end badly.

HOST: Mental note. That should be 'Politicians 101'. Do not attend a fancy dress party. Now, I'm in Sydney and I know it's been your hood. And I am asking you for information of things I should do, get out and see. Where would you take me?

PRIME MINISTER: I would take you to Balmain to a pub crawl. It is the closest place where there are pubs on every corner. But I'd also take you, on a similar bane, there's a theme here, to all the craft breweries around Marrickville, which is fantastic. And I would take you to the places that I guess people don't know about like the best Greek in Marrickville. I will give them a free ad here, the Corinthian.

HOST: Oh, my Lanta.
PRIME MINISTER: The Corinthian Restaurant. Because you're a Melbournian and you've got to like Greek food.

HOST: I do, indeed.

PRIME MINISTER: And they still have the whole sheep's head.

HOST: You had me at hello, Prime Minister.

PRIME MINISTER: The mum cooks the lamb. It is to die for.

HOST: I'm in. I couldn't be happier. So, you and I are going to go on a pub crawl in one of those cars with a flag on the bonnet. Is that the Government's car? Could we do it?

HOST: Well, we need security, don't we?

HOST: Albo, that's me. I will be security, brother.

HOST: You know you got to do, Albo, I mean, you're a Souths fan, I'm a Penrith fan. Why don't we take him to, when they play each other, let's take Mick for his first rugby league game in Sydney.

PRIME MINISTER: That would be good. Educate him. And hopefully, for a change, we will bloody beat you guys.

HOST: And then everyone back to Kirribilli House for a piss-up.

HOST: I may stay the night. We may have to top and tail, Prime Minister.

PRIME MINISTER: There's a spare bed here.

HOST: Just quickly, thank you for ringing. I love the national holiday for the Queen but I think we need to think about one for Warnie, that's all I'm saying.

PRIME MINISTER: I was at Warnie's memorial. And it was a great send off. But don't you think it's kind of, you know, happened?

HOST: It has. Maybe not. Okay, $5 note then.

PRIME MINISTER: You should have rung me then.

HOST: I should have. Thank you very much for calling in and good luck. Keep up the good work doing a great job representing us on the world stage. Love it

PRIME MINISTER: And don't listen to the big fella about which footy team you support. Red and green. Red and green.

HOST: Done. Sold. Thank you.