Remarks - Yes23 street stall

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister

PRIME MINISTER, ANTHONY ALBANESE: Are we going to win? What way it everyone voting? Fantastic. Well, it was a great launch this week in in Adelaide and I think it's such a positive campaign, that's so important to change the country for the better. A pretty modest change, asking for recognition, asking as well for an advisory group, a Voice, so we can listen to people. That's how you get better results. That's what this campaign is about. And during the week, I've been campaigning with people across the political spectrum, Julian Leeser and Bridget Archer, Labor Party members, crossbench members. And together, we can make this greatest country of all, just a that little bit greater. And think about how you will feel on October 14. It's great to be here with Andrew and Katy and Alicia and Andrew and David is here. Fantastic, some of the Territory members in here as well. This campaign is going to be won by one-on-one conversations with people, making sure that the fear campaigns which are there, no more real than the fear campaigns that were there about the Apology to Stolen Generations about Mabo, about Native Title, about marriage equality, about all of these issues. Social change requires people to be convinced and I'm very confident that we can convince people over the next six weeks from today, now, and it's important that people have conversations in their workplace, outside the school grounds, certainly the kids in school know about it. We're all enriched, when I was these kids age, you didn't have Welcome to Countries at footy games, I was at the footy last night, again you had it, it just lifts people up and enriches people as well, that acknowledgement of the great privilege we have from sharing this continent with the oldest continuous culture on earth.

ANDREW BARR, CHIEF MINISTER OF THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY: Thank you everyone for coming along today and for demonstrating the strength of the support for the Yes case here in Canberra. So, we've got a very simple goal for this campaign for the ACT and that is to achieve the highest Yes vote in the country. To add tens of thousands of Yes votes into the national tally, for what we hope will be a really strong national result. We're also going to help across the border in New South Wales. That's what Canberrans always do. We love our friends in New South Wales, and we want to support the campaign right across the country. So, to everyone who's here today, thank you so much in advance for what I know you're going to contribute over the next six weeks. It's an amazing opportunity to make our country an even better place and to see people from so many different walks of life across the political spectrum coming out for Yes tells you that this is a broad-based community movement. So, thank you for being part of it. Thank you for being here today.