Statement from Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

Media statement
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister

All Australians are shocked and saddened by this tragic loss of life.

Two Queensland police officers, their lives cut short by this atrocity.

Constable Matthew Arnold, just 26 years of age.

Constable Rachel McCrow, just 29.

Constables from Tara Police Station, who lost their lives in this tragedy.

I pay tribute to them.

I pay tribute as well to their surviving fellow officers, Constable Randall Kirk and Constable Keeley Brough.

In addition, I pay tribute to a neighbour driven by the instinct to help. Alan Dare also lost his life in this tragedy.

Three lives cruelly cut short.

This is, indeed, a devastating day for everyone who loved these Australians.

And our hearts go out to those in the grip of terrible grief.

We know that this news has fallen hard on a close-knit and caring Queensland community.

As well as, of course, the community to which all police officers belong.

Today is a rough day, indeed, for all police officers and their families.

Every officer knows the risk that they face in the life of duty. They are all too aware of the dangers that they face.

Yet they do their job. They do it for our communities.

That is courage, and it is public service at the highest level.

And today and every day I pay tribute to each and every one of the police officers who serve their local communities and who serve their nation.

This is not a price that anyone who puts on the uniform should ever pay.

We can never count the true cost.

My heart goes out to the families and loved ones of all those affected by this tragedy.

With honour, they served.

And Australia mourns with you today.

We stand with you always.