I am deeply saddened and shocked by the sudden death of Simon Crean during a work visit to Europe. Simon Crean gave a lifetime of service to his nation, and in particular to the labour movement.
Simon rose from leadership in the Storemen and Packers Union to ACTU President, and then to a distinguished parliamentary career as the member for Hotham, Cabinet Minister in the Hawke, Keating, Rudd and Gillard Governments, and leader of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party.
Simon’s many achievements in portfolios that ranged from trade to employment, from primary industries and energy to the arts, were characterised by a focus on the national interest, engagement with stakeholders, and always acting with principle and determination.
The common threads running through his long career were his courage and his principled action, qualities that came so powerfully to the fore when he opposed the Iraq War. Yet his opposition to the war was backed by his unwavering respect for the members of the Australian Defence Force, a respect he showed when he went to address the troops ahead of their deployment.
History has vindicated Simon’s judgment, but at the time his stance was deeply counter to the prevailing political and media climate.
Simon retained his abiding sense of humanity, and he was respected by all who had the privilege of working or interacting with him.
After Parliament, Simon continued to work for Australia’s interests, most notably as chairman of the European Australian Business Council.
Simon was a great servant of the Labor Party and of the broader labour movement. Above all he was a thoroughly decent human being who was kind, generous and always of good humour. This brought him respect across the political spectrum.
As Labor Leader, I benefitted from Simon Crean’s advice and wisdom. I will greatly miss engaging with him.
The hearts of all of us in the Labor family go out to Simon’s beloved wife Carole and to all of his family and thousands of friends.
May Simon rest in peace.
Vale Simon Crean
Media statement

Prime Minister