Queensland Government's Olympic infrastructure review

The Albanese Government welcomes the review by the Queensland Government of 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic venues Master Plan.

We understand global conditions are resulting in cost and labour market pressure for all jurisdictions. These have been evident in the construction sector, and it is a good time to review plans to ensure current and likely future conditions are taken into account.

Doorstop - Hobart

LUKE MARTIN, CEO SALMON TASMANIA: Thanks, folks for hanging around, and I just explained with the Prime Minister, in about an hour's time there will be beautiful blue skies and the Tassie summer. Look, my name is Luke Martin, I'm the Chief Executive of Salmon Tasmania which is the industry association that represents the three world class Tasmanian salmon producers in the state, Huon Aquaculture, Petuna, and of course Tassal, where we are here today.

Press conference - Adelaide

LOUISE MILLER-FROST, MEMBER FOR BOOTHBY: Welcome, everybody. I'm Louise Miller-Frost, I'm the member for Boothby and it is my absolute honour to welcome all of you here, but particularly to welcome the Prime Minister here to the Tonsley Innovation Centre and particularly to TAFE SA at Tonsley. We also have the Minister for Education, Blair Boyer, and my dear friend Nadia Clancy, the member for Elder. This is a really fantastic day. TAFE has been absolutely going great guns. Fee free TAFE has been taken up so much in the local area.

Radio interview - FiveAA Adelaide

WILL GOODINGS, HOST: Big day in Adelaide, big day too with the arrival of the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, in town, and he joins us on FiveAA Breakfast now. Prime Minister, good morning to you.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. Good to be with you.

GOODINGS: Why are you in town, Prime Minister? So, you can disabuse our listeners of the idea that you're here just to catch the Test?

Press conference - Northmead

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Well this is a fantastic announcement that is consistent with my Government and the Minns Government joint commitment to tackle climate change, but also to make sure that we do what we can to put that downward pressure on cost of living, whilst at the same time putting downward pressure on inflation. This is a commitment that will assist 30,000 households to get access to the cheaper energy that comes from clean renewable energy. And it's an exciting project for people living in social housing, in public housing and low income households.

Press conference - Heatherbrae

ANNA ZYCKI, REGIONAL DIRECTOR NORTH REGION TRANSPORT FOR NSW: Welcome everybody today to this event here at the M1 to Raymond Terrace. I would just like to kick off by acknowledging the Worimi People, the traditional owners of the land on which we stand, and to acknowledge any elders, past and present, and any Aboriginal people here today. I'd now like to hand over to Meryl Swanson, the local member for this area.

Over $200m in cost-of-living energy upgrades for over 30,000 NSW households

The Albanese and Minns Governments are delivering long-term cost-of-living savings to over 30,000 NSW households, with a $206 million package for energy saving upgrades in social housing properties and access to solar for low-income renters and apartment residents.  

Some social housing properties are among the least energy-efficient homes in the country, often lacking basic insulation and modern appliances. 

Upgrading an average house from a 1-star rating to a 3-star rating can reduce energy consumption by 30 per cent and decrease power bills.

Candidate 'inspired' by Peta Murphy

This week I was back in Frankston to ask Jodie Belyea to be Labor’s candidate for Dunkley.

Jodie is a local Frankston mum who has put her hand up after the late Peta Murphy’s passing.

I know that for many of us, not just in the Labor family, but in the local community, the loss of Peta Murphy has been devastating.

It meant a lot that Rod, Peta’s husband, joined us on Thursday at the Frankston Bowling Club to help launch Jodie’s campaign.

Because of Peta’s work, Jodie Belyea was inspired to join the Labor Party.