Doorstop interview - Perth

MATT KEOGH, MINISTER FOR VETERANS’ AFFAIRS & DEFENCE PERSONNEL: Well, everybody, it's fantastic to be here at the Resources Technology Showcase in Perth. And even more amazing to have the Prime Minister join us after a busy morning out in the seat of Aston, of course, where we've had the by-election on yesterday. But what's important here is the Resources Technology Showcase, highlighting the amazing technology across our resources sector, but also how that technology plays a role in our defence industry, and in space as well.


Yunupingu walked in two worlds with authority, power and grace, and he worked to make them whole — together.

What he could see was not the reinvention of Australia, but the realisation of a greater one.

With his passing, consider what we have lost.

A leader. A statesman.

A painter. A dancer. A singer and musician who always carried his father’s clapsticks and felt the power they carried within them.

Australian of the Year in 1978. Member of the Order of Australia. National treasure.

A remarkable member of a remarkable family.

Radio interview - 96FM Perth

LISA SHAW, HOST: Busier than Prince Harry on the worldwide privacy tour is our Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese. Good morning.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. Great to be here.

SHAW: Lovely to have you back in the studio, you flew in on the weekend for the launch of the Resources Technology Showcase. How was that?

Radio interview - RN Breakfast with Patricia Karvelas

PATRICIA KARVELAS, HOST: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joins me this morning from Western Australia. Prime Minister, welcome back to Breakfast.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning, Patricia. And can I just jump in and very quickly give a shout out to Kate Jenkins. She has been an extraordinary Sex Discrimination Commissioner. She's made a remarkable achievement in that that role and I wish her well in the future.

Launch Of Vietnam Commemorative Medallions

Thank you very much, Minister Keogh.

And I also acknowledge all of the special guests who are here, but I particularly want to acknowledge the veterans and the serving personnel of the Australian Defence Force who have joined us here as well this morning.

Welcome here to Parliament House.

We are here today to acknowledge courage.

We are here today to acknowledge sacrifice.

We are here to acknowledge the bonds of camaraderie forged under fire, and the cruel realities of loss.

The Hon. John Kerin AO

Today we mourn the passing of the Honourable John Kerin AO. John served in a number of portfolios, including a stint as a Treasurer, but it was as Minister for Primary Industries and Energy that he made his greatest mark. And what a profound mark it was.

John once wrote, "Politics is like farming; no-one is forced to do it, but someone has to." It was to Australia's lasting fortune that John did both, bringing his deep experience of the land first to the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, and then to Federal Parliament.

The Hon. Stewart West

I am deeply saddened by the passing of the Honourable Stewart West, former Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, Housing and Construction, and Administrative Services.

Serving in the Hawke Government as a Cabinet Minister from 1983 to 1990, Stewart put his whole heart into his portfolios.

Indeed, Stewart showed a great willingness to put his money where his mouth was. He was a politician of unbending principle, one who cherished the privilege of being in Cabinet but who nonetheless prioritised principle over career.

Appointment of the Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia

We are pleased to announce that the Governor-General, His Excellency the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), has accepted the advice of the Government to appoint the Honourable Justice Debra Mortimer as Australia’s new Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia (Federal Court).

Justice Mortimer is only the fifth Chief Justice of the Federal Court and the first female Chief Justice appointed since the Court was established in 1976.