Radio interview - 4BC Breakfast with Laurel, Gary & Mark

HOST: Good morning and welcome to the show. Hi, everybody.

HOST: Very special guest live in the studio this morning. He must be important because there is an entourage.

HOST: An entourage.

HOST: Quite a few people taking photos. Our Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese. He's grabbing the chicken already. Excuse me.

PRIME MINISTER: Good morning.

HOST: Prime Minister, welcome. Welcome to the 4BC studios.

Radio interview - Triple M Brisbane

HOST: Are we all upstanding? Can we please – let me play this. The one and only Anthony Albanese is in the building, is in the room. 

HOST: Anthony Albanese, we ran the risk of getting rid of listeners by telling people you are coming so we gave them warning. Hopefully someone’s still listening.

PRIME MINISTER ANTHONY ALBANESE: Come on. The ratings will go up

HOST: Mate, he just offered you a 20, he pulled his wallet out.

National Anti-Corruption Commission

The Albanese Government will introduce legislation this week to establish a powerful, transparent and independent National Anti-Corruption Commission.

This shows the Government is delivering on its promise to tackle corruption and restore trust and integrity to federal politics.

The Government has committed $262 million over four years for the establishment and ongoing operation of the Commission.

Opening Remarks - Bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida

PRIME MINISTER ANTHONY ALBANESE: Well, thank you very much for the welcome on my second visit to Japan as Prime Minister. It is important that Australia show our condolence to yourself as Prime Minister, but also to the people of Japan on the tragic loss of former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo. He was very well respected. And as an international statesperson, it is clear that the Quad Leaders’ dialogue would not have occurred without his leadership.

Doorstop Interview - Tokyo, Japan

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: It is a great honour for me to be here in Tokyo to pay tribute to the life of Shinzo Abe. The tragic circumstances of his assassination are something that reverberated around the world. I'm here with three former prime ministers, Prime Minister Howard, Prime Minister Abbott and Prime Minister Turnbull. What that says is how important the relationship between Australia and Japan is. It also says how important the respect is, and the standing Shinzo Abe had.

Opening Remarks - London, United Kingdom

JUSTIN TRUDEAU, PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA: It’s a pleasure to have the opportunity to sit down one again with Prime Minister Albanese. Anthony, thank you for the great conversations we’ve had already. Obviously, we are together at a time of reflection and condolences but also lots of work to do together on climate initiatives in the Pacific, working together on growing the economy, progressive values, lots of things to talk about. It’s really, really good to see you again. 

Radio Interview - 2GB Drive with Chris O'Keefe

CHRIS O’KEEFE, HOST: England is waking up this morning to one of its biggest days in the nation's recent history the funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Now, there are dozens of Australians representing us on this important day, but leading our contingent is the 31st Prime Minister of our great country, Anthony Albanese. And the Prime Minister joins us live from London. Anthony Albanese. Good morning, your time.

Australia to join leaders pledge for nature

I’m pleased to say Australia will join other nations in endorsing the Leaders Pledge for Nature.

This highlights Australia's reinvigorated approach to protecting our environment and climate leadership and signals our solidarity with other world leaders in our commitment to taking strong action on the dual crises of biodiversity loss and climate change.

Australia understands the urgency of the environmental challenges facing our planet and we're committed to being a leader in the global fight to solve them.