Community braver than cowards that perpetrated Antisemitic evil

The firebombing of the Adass Israel Synagogue was a vile act of cruelty against a tight-knit community.

It was crime of cowardice and prejudice.

Above all it was an act of terrorism.

I join with other Australians my total and unequivocal condemnation of this crime and everything it represents.

This was a fire fuelled by antisemitism and stoked by hatred.

It was a grotesque violation of a place of solace and sanctuary.

It has added to the Jewish Australian community’s already profound pain and sorrow.

Remarks - Melbourne

JOSH BURNS, MEMBER FOR MACNAMARA: Right here, at Adass Israel, we saw a terror attack in the heart of our Jewish community. We've just been inside with the Prime Minister and the congregation, and I just want to say how amazed I am with the bravery and the stoicism and the proud Yiddishkeit that's being displayed by the Adass Israel congregation, showing the strength and the resilience to come together and support one another. And I want to thank them for their kindness and the warmth and the optimism that they have brought today.

Press conference - Canberra

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Thanks very much. I'm joined by the Attorney-General, the Minister for Home Affairs, but also the AFP Commissioner and ASIO Director-General Mike Burgess. Today, we have had a meeting of the National Security Committee along with other meetings that we normally have on a Monday. As confirmed by authorities an hour and a half ago, the Melbourne attack will be investigated as a terrorist incident. Our world-class agencies will provide all the support necessary to find the perpetrators and ensure they face the full force of the law.

Nauru-Australia Treaty

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and President of Nauru, His Excellency David Waiau Ranibok Adeang MP, today signed the Nauru-Australia Treaty in Canberra.  

The Nauru-Australia Treaty builds on the deep foundations of Australia and Nauru’s bilateral relationship, and will help secure Nauru’s long-term economic resilience and security.

Strengthening Jewish community safety

The attack on the Adass Israel Synagogue was an atrocious act.

Antisemitism has no place in Australia and we unequivocally condemn it.

Today the Albanese Government committed $32.5 million to the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) to further enhance security at Jewish community sites including synagogues and schools.

This significant funding increase comes in addition to the $25 million grant to the ECAJ announced in October 2023, and funding for Jewish community sites under the Albanese Government’s $50 million Securing Faith-Based Places grant program.

Doorstop interview - Perth

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Well, it's wonderful to be back here in Perth and here with the Premier, with Minister Rita Saffioti and with my Minister Catherine King, as well as the local MP here, Patrick Gorman. Rita Saffioti and I did a press conference way back in 2013 about this railway line in my capacity as the then Infrastructure Minister. So, this has been a long time coming, but this is such a significant project.

Community celebrates as Metronet Ellenbrook Line officially open

People in Perth’s north east are finally connected to affordable, world-class public transport, with the METRONET Ellenbrook Line officially opening today – marking the biggest expansion of Perth’s rail network in more than 16 years.

Delivered by the WA Labor Government with funding support from the Federal Albanese Labor Government, the new line will connect tens of thousands of people in Perth’s growing north-eastern suburbs to the rail network for the first time.

Doorstop interview - Perth

TRACEY ROBERTS, MEMBER FOR PEARCE: Good morning, everybody. I’ve got the biggest smile on my face, and it’s a great to welcome the Prime Minister of Australia, the Honourable Anthony Albanese, to Pearce, and the Honourable Minister Madeleine King, the Minister for Resources and Northern Australia. So, it’s just fantastic to be here and so exciting. I would like to invite Ministers to talk about the projects, welcome to the Pearce electorate, and I’ll hand over right now. So, welcome, everybody and thank you for being here.