Visit to Australia by the Prime Minister of New Zealand

I am pleased to announce I will meet with New Zealand Prime Minister the Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern during her visit to Sydney on 9–10 June.

Prime Minister Ardern will be the first foreign leader I will meet in Australia since the election.

The Australia–New Zealand relationship is unique in its closeness. We are partners and allies, and we share a relationship of family. Through our single economic market, our people-to-people ties and our shared interests in the region and around the world, Australia and New Zealand stand together.

Address to Hasanuddin University

It is a great honour to be here with you at Hasanuddin University.

After I was elected leader of the Australian Labor Party in 2019, the first international visit I made was to Indonesia. I am very pleased to return here as Australia’s Prime Minister.

It’s so good to be back.

Every time I return to Indonesia I am reminded of your warmth. 

I arrived in somewhat different circumstances this time, but even if my personal situation has changed, your warmth has not.

Doorstop – Makassar, Indonesia

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA: Well, thank you very much for joining us and I do want to thank JJ or Professor Jumpa, a proud graduate of James Cook University in marine biology, for the warm welcome here to this university, Hasanuddin University, a university with 40,000 students, one in which 152 alumni from Australian universities are teaching right here. This is a practical example of the people‑to‑people exchange, which is how you build relations between nations and across cultures, and we need to extend that in the future.

Interview with Leon Byner– FiveAA, Mornings

LEON BYNER: And let's welcome now, he's been on the show before, but now he's the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese. Prime Minister, thank you for coming on today and welcome.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Thank you very much, Leon. It's always good to be on the program, and greetings from Darwin.

LEON BYNER: Yes. Now tell us about the fact that you've got a space industry announcement for SA. First of all, why are you in Darwin?

Press Conference, Darwin

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Well, it's fantastic to be here today and I begin by acknowledging the Traditional owners of the land on which we meet. I respect their elders past, present and emerging and recommit, on behalf of my Government, to the implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. I'm joined today by the Chief Minister. We're both pretty new at our respective jobs, but we've both been around for a while and are good friends and I look forward to working with Tash, including at the first meeting of the National Cabinet that we will hold in Canberra.

Press Conference - Perth

PATRICK GORMAN, MEMBER FOR PERTH: I'm Patrick Gorman, the Member for Perth. And I'm not just welcoming the Prime Minister to Perth, we've got the entire Labor team here to welcome Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia, here to Perth. Anthony has been here many, many times. But this is his first visit as Prime Minister of Australia. And it's so good to be joined, I'm not going to name them, and it's really special that Anthony is here on Western Australia Day long weekend.

Doorstop, Soekarno Hatta Airport Jakarta

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Well it's wonderful to be here in Jakarta for my first visit here as Prime Minister, but my sixth official visit to Indonesia. Australia and Indonesia are great friends, and I look forward to meeting with President Jokowi tomorrow. And to ensure that this friendship is strengthened, we have an important economic relationship. President Widodo has been a great friend of Australia. We welcomed him to our Parliament just a short period of time ago.

Annual Leaders' Meeting - Jakarta, Indonesia

I want thank President Joko Widodo and his ministerial team for their very warm welcome, and for hosting a most productive Annual Leaders’ Meeting.

If I may, terimah kasih, Bapak Presiden.

Australia’s relationship with Indonesia is one of our most important.

We’re linked not just by geography, but we are linked by choice.

We’ve enjoyed a long history of cooperation and friendship.

And our relationship is ever-deepened by the strategic and economic interests we share.

Joint Communiqué: Indonesia-Australia Annual Leaders’ Meeting

  1. The President of the Republic of Indonesia, His Excellency Joko Widodo, and the Prime Minister of Australia, The Hon Anthony Albanese MP, met for the Indonesia-Australia Annual Leaders’ Meeting in Bogor on 6 June 2022.
  2. Leaders affirmed their commitment to addressing their nations’ shared challenges and to deepening cooperation under the five pillars of the bilateral Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP) launched in 2018: economic and development partnership; connecting people; securing shared interests; maritime cooperation; and Indo‑Pacific stability and prosperity.