Huge boost for farmers in Tasmania’s south-east

The Albanese Labor Government is investing more than $150 million to deliver the Great South East Irrigation Scheme and drive economic growth in Tasmania.

The project will deliver a significant boost to the Tasmanian economy and create more than 400 jobs.

Powered 100 per cent by hydroelectricity, it will provide water to grow iconic Tasmanian produce like cherries, apples, salad vegetables, grapes, stone fruit and olives.

Boosting water quality in Macquarie Harbour

The Albanese Labor Government wants to see a sustainable salmon industry that supports workers and their families right into the future.

We are also committed to protecting the environment.

That’s why we’re investing more than $28 million in new measures to boost water quality and improve environmental conditions at Macquarie Harbour.

These measures will build on existing environmental and species conservation interventions in Macquarie Harbour, which plays an important role in Tasmania’s $1 billion aquaculture industry.

Media statements - Canberra

MATT ANDERSON, DIRECTOR OF THE AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL: For those of you I have not met yet, Matt Anderson, Director of the Australian War Memorial, and I'm joined today by the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, Her Excellency, the Honorable Sam Mostyn, the Prime Minister of Australia, the Honorable Anthony Albanese, the Minister for Defence Personnel, the Minister for Veterans Affairs, and the Minister with responsibility for the War Memorial, Matt Keogh, Chief of the Defence Force, Admiral David Johnston, and the Chairman of the Council of the Australian W

Victoria Cross for Australia for Private Richard Norden

As Australians gather today to honour our veterans for Remembrance Day, the late Private Richard Norden will be awarded a Victoria Cross for Australia for his gallantry during the Battle of Fire Support Base Coral in Vietnam in 1968.

The Governor‑General, Her Excellency the Honourable Sam Mostyn AC, has announced that His Majesty The King has given approval for the award of the Victoria Cross for Australia to be bestowed to Private Norden.

Statement on Remembrance Day

Today on Remembrance Day, as we observe the minute of silence in all its solemnity, we think of that moment 106 years ago as the guns fell still across Europe.

There, in that profound silence that belonged equally to the dead and the living, stood the hope that the world would never know such conflict again.

Although it was not realised, we hold on to hope with the same determination we hold on to memory.

We think of every Australian who has answered the call through the decades.

Press Conference - Parliament House, Canberra

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning on this beautiful Canberra day. Today I can announce that National Cabinet has endorsed my government's world first decision to legislate 16 as the minimum age to use social media. We had a really good constructive discussion about the details of what the legislation will look like. Tasmania would have preferred the age of 14, but they didn't want to stand in the way of national uniformity and regarded getting a uniform national decision and process was most important.

National Cabinet agrees to age limit for social media access

National Cabinet met virtually today to discuss the Australian Government’s proposed social media legislation.

First Ministers agreed to the Commonwealth legislating a minimum age of 16 to access social media.

Setting the minimum age at 16 will protect young Australians from the harms that come with social media, and will support mums, dads and carers to keep their kids safe.

Minimum age for social media access to protect Australian kids

The Albanese Government will legislate 16 as the minimum age for access to social media, following endorsement by National Cabinet today.

The decision follows extensive consultation with young people, parents and carers, academics and child development experts, community, industry and civil organisations, First Nations youth, and state and territory governments.

The Albanese Government will introduce legislation in the next Parliamentary sitting fortnight.

Radio interview - Nova Sydney

MICHAEL WIPFLI, HOST: Yesterday was a really significant day in Canberra, thanks to the Prime Minister, who confirmed that there would be a rise in the age that kids can join social media from 13 to 16, or, as we have been campaigning – for that 36 months. So, yesterday we sat down with the Prime Minister and first things first, I feel really bad because he did the decency of putting in a phone call the night before to have a chat to me and I missed that.

Opening remarks, National Cabinet meeting

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Can I thank everyone for joining us at relatively short notice. As you're aware, my Cabinet passed a position on Monday for a comprehensive plan to ban social media for under 16. This is what parents want to see around Australia. It's something that we know is talked about on the sideline of every sporting activity, outside school grounds. And it is something that state Premiers and Chief Ministers have raised with me directly, with Minister Rowland, who's with me this morning, and with their own constituencies as well.