Radio Interview - MIX94.5 Perth

PETE: Good morning to your Prime Minister. Welcome back to Perth.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. I like the Blur introduction. That was very good.

KYMBA, HOST: Only the best, only the best. You happy to be here? Going to be here for most of Telethon?

PRIME MINISTER: I am here for a couple of days for Telethon. I got in last night, flew over straight after Parliament rose. And it's a beautiful day out there, I've got to say.

Doorstop - Perth

TANIA LAWRENCE MP, MEMBER FOR HASLUCK: Good morning and welcome to North Metropolitan TAFE in Midland, in the seat of Hasluck. I'm Tania Lawrence, the Member for Hasluck. And it gives me great pleasure to be today joined with the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Premier Roger Cook, my state parliamentary colleagues, the teachers, the trainers and students of North Metro TAFE. When we, even before the election in 2022, we knew we had a skills and labour shortage.

Official visit to Australia by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese welcomes the Prime Minister of Fiji, The Hon Sitiveni Rabuka, and Mrs Suluweti Rabuka to Australia from 16 - 21 October for an official Guest of Government visit.

Australia and Fiji have a close and longstanding relationship that is underpinned by mutual respect and trust.

The Prime Ministers will renew and elevate the Fiji-Australia Vuvale Partnership, which has set out the shared principles and priorities of our relationship since 2019 - and work together to strengthen peace, prosperity and resilience in the Pacific.

2023 Prime Minister's Prizes for Science celebrate quantum computing

Australian quantum science, biotechnology and outstanding teaching are all being recognised and celebrated in this year’s Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science.

Leading Australian quantum scientist Professor Michelle Simmons AO from UNSW Sydney has received the $250,000 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science for her pioneering developments in quantum computing.

Professor Simmons has championed breakthrough advancements to electronic parts for quantum computing, including components as small as one atom.

Meeting of National Cabinet

National Cabinet met virtually today to discuss issues of national importance and agree to a new National Skills Agreement.

National Skills Agreement

First Ministers endorsed the new National Skills Agreement, building on National Cabinet’s close cooperation on other priorities, such as housing and planning.

The Agreement will support a new way of working together to deliver the nation’s social and economic priorities through shared stewardship of the vocational education and training (VET) system.

Prime Minister's Prizes for Science

I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and I pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging.

Dr Cathy Foley says ‘science is humanity’s superpower’.

It’s my great honour to be with all of you tonight, as we celebrate the super heroes of Australian science.  

Some of our nation’s leading scientists and science teachers.

People advancing the frontiers of discovery - and inspiring a new generation to discover a love of science.

Landmark National Skills Agreement to unlock billions

Last night's National Cabinet agreed to unlock billions of dollars to build Australian skills and prosperity.

The landmark five-year National Skills Agreement (NSA), which will take effect from January next year, was developed under principles agreed by National Cabinet and will embed national cooperation and strategic investment in our vocational education and training sector.

Doorstop interview - Canberra

ALICIA PAYNE, MEMBER FOR CANBERRA: Good morning, everyone. I'm Alicia Payne, the Member for Canberra, and it's my great pleasure to be here this morning at the Fyshwick CIT campus in the Electric Vehicle Training Hub, to welcome the Prime Minister, Minister for Skills and Training Brendan O'Connor, and our Chief Minister Andrew Barr here for this very important announcement this morning. I'll hand over to the Prime Minister.

Press conference - Adelaide

PETER MALINAUSKAS, PREMIER OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Good morning, everybody and thanks for joining us here at the Adelaide Central Markets on a really important moment. We are on the precipice of a big decision as a country and I couldn't be prouder to be standing next to the Prime Minister of our nation, Anthony Albanese, who has had the fortitude and the courage to put this question to the Australian people just as he committed he would do. It's also great to be here with the Foreign Minister, a proud South Australian, Senator Penny Wong.