Press conference - Melbourne

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Thanks very much for joining me, there are two issues that I wish to convey to you today. The first is that my government will begin the assisted departure of Australians who want to leave Israel. We understand that many Australians are experiencing difficulties with delays and cancellations with commercial flights. For Australians who do not already have plans to leave through commercial options, Australian Government-assisted departure flights will depart from Friday.

Remarks to the Jewish community in St Kilda

We meet today at a time of profound sorrow.

In the shadow of terrorist acts that are truly abhorrent.

We have seen unimaginable atrocities, targeting children.

The most innocent of lives, stolen in the most barbaric of ways.

Over 1,000 people in Israel have been killed, as many as 150 people taken from Israel and held hostage in Gaza.

This is the worst loss of life for Jewish people on a single day in history since the Holocaust.

A fact that bears such awful weight for a people who have known the horror of genocide.

Radio interview - KIIS 106.5 Sydney The Kyle & Jackie O Show

KYLE, HOST: Hi, Prime Minister. Good morning, Prime Minister.

JACKIE O, HOST: Hi, Mr Albanese.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. How are you both?


KYLE: I'm so sorry, Prime Minister. I didn't realise that you were there.

PRIME MINISTER: I'm here, listening into what sounds like absolute chaos.

JACKIE O: How embarrassing.

KYLE: Well, correct.

Press conference - Port Lincoln

DIANA MISLOV, MAYOR OF PORT LINCOLN: Welcome to the media and on behalf of the City of Port Lincoln, I'd like to acknowledge the Barngarla People on whose lands we meet who are the traditional owners. And I'd like to extend a very warm welcome to our Prime Minister who's travelled from across the country to come to visit us here in Port Lincoln. We meet on their lands of Galinyala, Port Lincoln, the place of sweet water. And we're better to have our Prime Minister now, in our beautiful Boston Bay. So thank you very much for visiting us, Mr.

Radio interview - Flow FM

DAN CROUCH, HOST: Good morning. How are you?

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning to you. Well, I'm terrific. It's a great place to wake up, Port Lincoln, I've got to say. Beautiful morning, sun shining over the bay here, and it is going to be a really good day. I'm headed to the Port Lincoln Grain Export Terminal this morning to have a look, having had a big civic reception last night hosted by Diana Mislov, the Mayor of Port Lincoln. And it's been a really terrific visit.

Radio interview - 2DRYFM

DJ BARRY, HOST: We've got Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, in the chair out this way. Good morning, or good afternoon, Prime Minister.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good afternoon, great to be with you. It's good to be back in Broken Hill.

BARRY: Yeah, I presume you have been off this way before?

PRIME MINISTER: I certainly have, but it's great to be back. This is my first visit as Prime Minister, so it's pretty special.

Television interview - Sky News Afternoon Agenda

KIERAN GILBERT, HOST: Joining me live now from Uluru is the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese. Prime Minister, thanks for your time. In March, you were visibly moved -


GILBERT: When you announced the final wording of the referendum and the Constitutional amendment. Now you're at Uluru this afternoon, is that sense of history still very much front of mind for you?

Television interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing

GREG JENNETT, HOST: Prime Minister, we welcome the opportunity and appreciate it to talk to you at any time, but particularly on such a hectic schedule and especially from such a stunning location there at Uluru. You have in many ways, I suppose, gone back to the heart of the matter. There in 2017, the authors of the Uluru Statement, I will read it, I'm sure you are familiar with it, said, "We leave base camp and start our trek across this vast country". Why have you gone back to base camp today?

Address to Central Land Council - Uluru

Can I thank you for the welcome onto your country.

It is one of the great honours my life to be involved in this campaign.

I came here after I became leader of the Labor Party and committed right here with Linda Burney to hold a referendum in our first term for a constitutionally enshrined Voice to our Parliament, and that is what we are doing.

I thank the dancers for sharing your culture, the oldest continuous culture on earth, with those of us who are privileged to share this great island continent of ours with the oldest continuous culture on earth.