Radio interview - ABC Brisbane Drive

STEVE AUSTIN, HOST: Now for the weather currently in Brisbane, let's go to Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Well, in Brisbane right now, it's 27 degrees, a look around the region, Bayside it's 28, Logan, 26, Ipswich the same 26, Gold Coast it's a very warm 27 and on the Sunny Coast it's 23.

AUSTIN: Not bad, you want a job?

PRIME MINISTER: Hopefully, I'm pretty keen on keeping the current one for a while yet.

Doorstop - Hobart

JULIE COLLINS, MINISTER FOR HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS: It is great to be here at the Clarence TAFE campus and to have the Prime Minister with us. And I want to thank the Tas-TAFE staff and students for coming in and showing us some of the work that they're doing as they go into their nursing exams. We all know that nurses in our hospitals are critically needed. So, it was wonderful to hear today that some of the students will soon be taking up their practice in our hospitals in coming weeks.

Opening remarks - Federal Cabinet meeting

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: It's great to be back together in Tasmania. This is my seventh visit to Tasmania so far this year. And today we've been out and about, we've had meetings with the business community, I visited a TAFE, we've been looking at health care, agriculture, manufacturing, social services. Ministers have been meeting with their state counterparts, as well, talking about how we can work in the interests of Tasmanians, but also of course, in the interests of the nation.

First Social Housing Accelerator in Riverwood

More people in New South Wales will have access to their own home with a $6.2 million redevelopment of residential dwellings in Riverwood - the first project in the state announced under the Federal Government’s Social Housing Accelerator payment.

The NSW Land and Housing Corporation is delivering 11 homes for seniors at Methuen Parade, Riverwood, configured as five one-bedroom and six two-bedroom units.

Opening Remarks

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Premier, congratulations.

JACINTA ALLAN, PREMIER OF VICTORIA: Thank you. It's great to welcome you here. I know you are a very important, that we’ve got a very important relationship in the past.


PREMIER ALLAN: And we look forward to having it with you again in the future.

PRIME MINISTER: It’s a long way from us sitting down at regional development conferences in Bendigo.

Radio interview - ABC Northern Tasmania

BELINDA KING, HOST: Cabinet is coming to Hobart this week as well. So this morning we have the pleasure of being joined by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to talk through these topics and more. Prime Minister, good morning.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning, Belinda. And can I just add my gratitude and my congratulations to Legacy on celebrating 100 years. To all those volunteers, they do an extraordinary job.