Television Interview - ABC 7.30

LAURA TINGLE, HOST: Your first Labor Conference as PM, the first Labor in power in more than a decade. Yesterday, you had a National Cabinet meeting of wall-to-wall Labor mainland governments. The Opposition is wallowing in the polls, yet the overwhelming messages of the Conference from your own Party, that you aren't doing enough, whether it be on housing, climate, energy. Should voters be wondering whether you are ambitious enough with what you're trying to achieve in Government?

Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the end of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War

Today our nation will pause to mark Vietnam Veterans’ Day, the key commemoration in this 50th anniversary year of the end of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War.

Thousands of Australians will gather at the Vietnam Forces Memorial in Canberra, and across the country, to honour the service and sacrifice of our Vietnam veterans.

On 18 August 1966, Australians and New Zealanders were outnumbered 10 to one in the battle of Long Tan.

Speech - Vietnam Veterans' Day

I would like to acknowledge all those serving men and women who are with us today and all the veterans who are with us today.

It is a great honour for me to be here with you.

I want to also acknowledge my parliamentary colleague and friend Shayne Neumann for the outstanding work that he does on an ongoing basis as a representative of this local community that he is so passionate about.

To the Mayor and other dignitaries who are here and particularly to the officials of the RSL, thank you for the invitation to share this important day with you.

Radio interview - Triple M Hobart

ANDY TAYLOR, HOST: Good morning, Prime Minister.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning to you from Brisbane.

ESTHER NICOLS, HOST: Thank you so much for calling into the show, Prime Minister. We've got a few things we want to cover off on and we've had a lot of text messages from Tassie. But first of all, the Tillies tonight.

Opening remarks - National Cabinet

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Well, welcome everyone, to the meeting of the National Cabinet. It is great to be back together again. It is great to be back together again. We are discussing housing, but also discussing that in the context of the cost-of-living pressures that families are under around the country, due to the global pressures which are there on inflation as a result of both the Russian invasion of Ukraine that has had an impact on global energy prices that have flowed through to global inflation, but also the aftermath of the pandemic.

Meeting of National Cabinet - Working together to deliver better housing outcomes

National Cabinet met in Brisbane today to deliver on a range of priorities for Australians, with a focus on more secure and affordable housing.

Delivering more housing supply is a vital part of National Cabinet’s plan to ensure communities thrive as they grow. All governments recognise the best way to ensure more Australians have a safe and affordable place to call home is to boost housing supply.