Get out there and Campaign - Remarks on the Voice to ALP National Conference

I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the lands on which we meet and pay my respect to elders past, present and emerging.


We've always been at our best as a nation when we've looked to the future with excitement and optimism – that's when we make progress.

Right now, the chance to be our best is once again calling out to us.

The chance to close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians in a way we’ve never been able to before.

Doorstop - Brisbane

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: It's great to be here at the FIFA Fan Festival site in Brisbane. Tonight, of course, the Matildas will play against Sweden for the bronze medal in the Women's World Cup. It has been an extraordinary period for women's football, but for women's sport in general. The idea 20 years ago, if you could have predicted that women's team sport would be played in front of packed crowds with cheering Australians at live sites right around the country, it would have been seen as being optimistic. The truth is that the Matildas have inspired a nation.

Securing a sporting legacy for women and girls

The Albanese Government is proud to announce one of Australia’s biggest comprehensive investments in women’s sports, with funding and reforms to help more women play sport, and ensure more Australians are able to cheer on our phenomenal sports stars on free-to-air television.

In the past decade, we’ve seen an extraordinary rise in women’s participation in community sport.

The Government is backing their talent, hard work and aspiration by launching our $200 million Play Our Way program to improve sporting facilities and equipment specifically for women and girls.

Remarks on AUKUS to ALP National Conference

Thanks very much, friends.

At the outset, I want to recognise that everyone here comes to this debate in good faith.

One of the strengths of a Labor Party conference is that we not only respect each other’s right to put forward differing views, we respect the integrity and the sincerity of those views.

One of the things that distinguishes us from our components.


From our first day in Government, we have worked to make Australia stronger in the world and safer at home.

Doorstop interview - Hobart

DR MARK BALDOCK: This is the first integrated, extended hours medical, pharmacy, pathology and imaging clinic in Tasmania. We can provide assessment, treatment and care for urgent but not life-threatening conditions. We have a thorough triage process to ensure that it is appropriate for us to treat patients who present to us here. The vision of Your Hobart Doctor is to make medical care accessible to the community.

Doorstop interview - Canberra

PRIME MINISTER, ANTHONY ALBANESE: It's fantastic to be here in Canberra, having this week been in Western Australia, in South Australia, in New South Wales and in Tasmania. What I get, wherever I go around the country, is that there is momentum behind the Yes campaign. People understand what this campaign is about. It's about changing our founding document to recognise the privilege that we have of sharing this continent with the oldest continuous culture on earth.

Remarks - Yes23 street stall

PRIME MINISTER, ANTHONY ALBANESE: Are we going to win? What way it everyone voting? Fantastic. Well, it was a great launch this week in in Adelaide and I think it's such a positive campaign, that's so important to change the country for the better. A pretty modest change, asking for recognition, asking as well for an advisory group, a Voice, so we can listen to people. That's how you get better results. That's what this campaign is about.