Appointment of new Secretary of the Department of Health and Aged Care

I am pleased to announce that I will be recommending the Governor-General appoint Mr Blair Comley PSM as Secretary of the Department of Health and Aged Care.

Mr Comley has had a distinguished career across the Commonwealth and NSW public sector.

Between 2011 and 2013, Mr Comley was Secretary of the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism and the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. He then led the New South Wales Department of Premier and Cabinet as Secretary between 2014 and 2017.

Pacific Islands Forum: an enduring commitment

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will tomorrow meet Mr Henry Puna, the Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum, in Canberra.

As the pre-eminent institution of the Pacific family, the Forum plays a critical role in bringing Pacific nations together to address shared challenges and opportunities.

The Prime Minister and Secretary General will discuss Pacific regionalism and Pacific Leaders' priorities as set out in the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, including climate change.

Appointment of Net Zero Economy Agency and Advisory Board

The Albanese Government has today announced the Chair and Advisory Board of the Net Zero Economy Agency.

The Hon Greg Combet AM has been appointed as Chair of the Net Zero Economy Agency. As Chair, Mr Combet will guide the Agency to ensure that the workers, industries and communities that have powered Australia for generations, can seize the opportunities of the net zero transformation. The Chair will be supported by an Advisory Board to design and establish the legislated Net Zero Authority.

Press conference - Parliament House, Canberra

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Thanks very much for joining us. Today the Government will introduce legislation to terminate the Russian Federation's lease for a proposed diplomatic presence just next to Parliament House. We anticipate this legislation will pass both the House of Representatives and the Senate this morning. This action follows the conclusion of long-running litigation regarding the site. The Federal Court found that an eviction order made by the National Capital Authority was invalid, and this matter was concluded a couple of weeks ago on 31 May.

Sky News Economic Conference

I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and I pay my respects to elders past, present and emerging. And I thank Marni for beginning us off so constructively and well this morning.

I am proud to lead a Government that will give every Australian the opportunity to vote for constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the last quarter of this year.

Q&A - Sky News Economic Outlook Conference

ANDREW CLENNELL, HOST: Well, thanks for joining us.


CLENNELL: So, you've had eleven interest rate hikes since you’ve become PM.

PRIME MINISTER: Good start, Andrew.

CLENNELL: How's that narrow path to avoid recession going?

PRIME MINISTER: I'm very positive and optimistic about the future. You forgot that there was one beforehand.

CLENNELL: I thought you'd mention it.

A Gentle Giant - Eulogy for Bruce Childs

The political world is filled with people with sharp elbows, but Bruce Childs wasn’t one of them.

Guided in perfect tandem by the passion of his convictions and his unwavering kindness, Bruce was a gentle giant of the labour movement.

He was a trade union secretary. ALP official. Senator. National ALP Left convenor. Evatt Foundation president and life member.

A peace activist. A man of principle, commitment and loyalty.

A man who spoke up for those who couldn’t.

Radio interview - ABC Radio Upper Hunter Breakfast with Scott Levi

SCOTT LEVI, HOST: The Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joins us on the line. Good morning, Prime Minister.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning, Scott, on what is a truly tragic morning for the people of the Hunter, for the people involved in this tragedy. To wake up to hear of 10 fatalities and 25 people taken to hospital, John Hunter there and Sydney, is just a terrible, terrible tragedy.

LEVI: What assistance can the Government give?