Press conference - Petersham, Sydney

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: This morning, I've had the opportunity of meeting with families who will benefit from our child care changes that come into effect on the first of July. There's more than 8, 000 families in my electorate here of Grayndler that will benefit. That's part of the 1.2 million Australian families who will benefit from these changes. The increase in childcare subsidy, the changes to the thresholds, will make an enormous difference. This is not welfare, this is economic reform.

Vale Simon Crean

I am deeply saddened and shocked by the sudden death of Simon Crean during a work visit to Europe. Simon Crean gave a lifetime of service to his nation, and in particular to the labour movement.
Simon rose from leadership in the Storemen and Packers Union to ACTU President, and then to a distinguished parliamentary career as the member for Hotham, Cabinet Minister in the Hawke, Keating, Rudd and Gillard Governments, and leader of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party.

Television interview - ABC News Breakfast

MICHAEL ROWLAND, HOST: Tributes are being paid this morning to the former Labor leader, Simon Crean, following his death whilst travelling in Germany. The 74-year-old served as a Cabinet Minister in the Hawke, Keating, Rudd and Gillard governments after a career as one of the nation's most prominent union leaders. The Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, joins us now. This is a shock to everyone this morning.

Radio interview - KIIS 101.1 Melbourne - Jase and Lauren

LAUREN PHILLIPS, HOST: Albo, good morning.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. I thought that answer might come back to haunt me.

PHILLIPS: It haunted me more than it haunted you, Prime Minister, let me tell you.

PRIME MINISTER: You heard radios click off. I don't know why you played it again. No one's listening to this interview now.

PHILLIPS: Hey, Albo, you were down in Melbourne last weekend and I heard that you were loving our beautiful climate down here.

$6.2 million to address children body image distress

The Albanese Government is providing $6.2 million to The Embrace Collective for their Embrace Kids program to help kids tackle body image issues to live happier, healthier lives now and in the future.

Body image is a serious issue for Australians, especially for our kids, and the problem is getting worse.

The number of young Australians (16-25 years) reporting Body Image Distress has risen by 33 per cent since 2009, with 77 per cent self-reporting body image distress in 2015.

Radio interview - ABC Brisbane Drive with Steve Austin

Steve Austin, Host: My guest is the Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese. Prime Minister, good afternoon.

Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister: G'day, Steve. I assure you it's not 18 degrees in Canberra today.

Austin: What is it? What is the temperature?

Prime Minister: It is freezing. It was, this morning when I woke up, the wonderful ABC announced, I think it was minus five, feels like minus ten.

Austin: Are you a blanket or a doona man?

Television interview - The Project

Sarah Harris, Host: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joins us now. Prime Minister, for those outside Canberra, the past couple of weeks haven't seemed our Parliament's finest. You pledged to change the way we do politics in Australia. But surely that's not it?

Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister: Oh, certainly it hasn't been Parliament's finest weeks. And certainly when it comes to Senator Van, I wasn't aware he was here in the first place and I'd be very comfortable if he never returned.

Radio interview - Triple M Sydney - Mick and MG in the morning

MICK MOLLOY, HOST: Origin Two is on like a ding dong tonight at Suncorp Stadium, we need to get to the bottom of it. MG, of course, is already on board, but why don't we go right to the top and speak to Australia’s 31st Prime Minister is on the line now. Please welcome Mr Anthony Albanese.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: G’day, how are you going?

MOLLOY: He’s a Swiftie from way back. How are you, Prime Minister? Welcome aboard.

PRIME MINISTER: I'm very well.

Radio interview - KIIS FM Will and Woody

WILL MCMAHON, HOST: Woods, we've just been told by the puzzle master that we've got a special guest who's going to help us with our next clue.

WOODY WHITELAW, HOST: I say we just crack in, hello.

MCMAHON: Who you think’s Taylor Swift.


WHITELAW: It's definitely not Taylor Swift. It's not Taylor Swift.

MCMAHON: I think I recognise that voice though.