Fraser Park FC Season Launch

I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet. I pay my respect to their elders past, present and emerging.

And I'm very happy to be here at the launch of the football season.

What we've seen in recent times is a 20 per cent increase in the number of football players in this country. This is a code that is exploding.

Doorstop Interview - Sydney

JOURNALIST: How are you feeling about Mardi Gras tonight?

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: It will be a fun occasion but we need to remember as well, that after 45 years that began with a campaign for law reform, it’s about equality and it's about respecting people for who they are - no matter who they love, no matter where they live, no matter what their identity is. It's about respect.

JOURNALIST: And what does it mean to you to be the first sitting Prime Minister to march in the parade?

Question and Answer - National Press Club

LAURA TINGLE, NATIONAL PRESS CLUB PRESIDENT: Thank you for such a comprehensive speech, Prime Minister. If I could pick up on a couple of the themes of your speech, one of them is about AUKUS and national security, and the other one is about building things right here in Australia. To what extent are your conversations with the United States and the UK based on industry issues? That is, we know that there is a big interest in the UK in the potential of AUKUS for their defence industries. There are issues in the US about their capacity with supply.

More Beds Fast-Tracked in Flinders Medical Centre Upgrade

The Albanese and Malinauskas Governments are working together to fast track more beds at Flinders Medical Centre, as planning for the $400 million jointly funded upgrade commences.

An extra 26 new acute inpatient beds will open at Flinders Medical Centre in the next few weeks helping ease pressure on the hospital’s emergency department.

A further 16 beds – from the 136 that will be added as part of the $400 million upgrade – will be fast tracked to open in the first half of 2024, four years ahead of schedule.

Doorstop - Adelaide

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: It’s great to be back here at Flinders Medical Centre with the South Australian Premier, Peter Malinauskas, with Health Minister Mark Butler and with Louise Miller-Frost the federal local member here for Boothby, as well as state local MPs who are here today. During the election campaign I came here with the Premier and made a commitment, a commitment to join with South Australia on the upgrade of this fantastic hospital. A great hospital that looks after people in the southern suburbs of Adelaide, but one that is in need of an upgrade.

Australia Stands with Ukraine with Additional Military Support and Sanctions

Today marks one year since Russia launched its illegal and immoral full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

We mourn the incalculable losses that Ukraine has endured.

We honour the unwavering resolve and strength of the Ukrainian people as they stand up to Russia’s continued aggression.

We are proud to stand with Ukraine as it defends its people, its territory, and its sovereignty.

Today, on this most sombre occasion, the Australian Government is announcing additional military assistance to Ukraine and further costs on Russia, including additional sanctions.

Securing the Future in the Illawarra

The Albanese Government is delivering on a commitment to build the skills and capabilities to take advantage of Australia’s transition to a clean energy future with a $10 million investment at the University of Wollongong.

The funds will establish an Energy Futures Skills Centre located at the university, with a second investment of $2.5 million to upgrade equipment and teaching aids, creating a Renewable Energy Training facility at the Wollongong TAFE.

Radio Interview - I98FM

CHRISTIAN MCEWAN, HOST: We have a very special guest, as big as it gets in fact, not in stature, he's not the biggest guy in the world, but.

MARTY HAYNES, HOST: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will be in Wollongong today, he's visiting the University of Wollongong's Smart Infrastructure Facility at 10:30 today, he'll be here, but he's joining us here at i98 this morning. Prime Minister, welcome.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning, great to be with you.

Doorstop Interview - Kalgoorlie

PRIME MINISTER, ANTHONY ALBANESE: It's fantastic to be here at Kalgoorlie School of the Air. This amazing facility has been teaching our youngest Australians here in the Goldfields and throughout this vast region since 1962. And what is happening here is a major upgrade from the National Broadband Network. As part of the 4,800 homes and businesses that will be upgraded with Fibre National Broadband Network here in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, it will make an enormous difference. It will make a difference to people who live here.

Doorstop interview - Perth

PATRICK GORMAN, ASSISTANT MINISTER TO THE PRIME MINISTER: I'm Patrick Gorman, the Federal Member for Perth. And it is wonderful to have not just the Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese, here in Perth, but also have the Minister Brendan O'Connor, and Minister Simone McGurk. And can I say a huge thank you to Michelle Hoad, the Managing Director of North Metro TAFE, for having us here today.