Doorstop interview - Parliament House, Canberra

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: From tomorrow, you will see evidence of why a change of government matters. From tomorrow, ten days paid domestic and family violence leave will be available to working Australians. It will make an enormous difference. This is the change that has come from the front line. Those people who work in family and domestic violence, providing support, particularly for women and children fleeing violent circumstances, have pointed out for a long period of time that a woman shouldn't have to choose between her job and her safety.

Reception to mark commencement of 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave

I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and I pay my respect to their elders, past, present and emerging.

I want to acknowledge my colleagues here who have worked so hard to make this a reality. Katy Gallagher, the Minister for Women, but also the Finance Minister. There’s a good bit and a bad bit of that job, one she says yes, one she says no. Amanda Rishworth, who’s the Minister for Social Services, Tony Burke, who is the Minister for Workplace Relations.

Visit to Australia by the Prime Minister of New Zealand

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will welcome the Prime Minister of New Zealand, The Rt Hon Chris Hipkins, to Australia on 7 February.

This visit will mark Prime Minister Hipkins’s first international trip as leader.

Australia values the priority that both countries place on the bilateral relationship. As partners and allies, our bilateral agenda is unparalleled in its scope.

20th Shangri-La Dialogue

I am pleased to have accepted an invitation to deliver the keynote address at the 20th Shangri-La Dialogue on 2 June in Singapore.

Convened by the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the Shangri-La Dialogue is the region’s premier strategic forum that brings together top government and thought leaders from across the Indo-Pacific and beyond to discuss regional security dynamics and challenges.

Growing Tasmanian General Practice

The Australian and Tasmanian Governments are making it easier for Tasmanians to see a doctor by delivering an innovative four-year program to support stronger rural healthcare in the state.

Under the program, GP Registrars, including Rural Generalist trainees, will have the option of being employed by the Tasmanian Health Service as salaried employees, allowing them to do their final placement in GP practices across the state instead of changing new employers with each placement of 6 or 12 months.

Press Conference - Latrobe

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Look, it's fantastic to be back in Tasmania again. And great to be here for my first trip of this year with the Premier Jeremy Rockliff, with the Health Minister, Mark Butler, and with Senator Anne Urquhart, who does such great work here in the North-West. And it's great that Jeremy and I are able to come here to fulfil the first step in the commitment that came out of the National Cabinet and was put into the Budget in October.

Doorstop - Bendigo

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: It’s fantastic to be here at Thales in Bendigo, one of the great regional cities of Australia. And what we know is that regional Australia is the driving force behind a resurgence of advanced manufacturing and here at Thales it employs 300 people. And I know that Lisa Chesters as the local member is incredibly proud of Thales and other manufacturing facilities here in Bendigo.

Doorstop - Golden Age Lunar New Year Festival

PRIME MINISTER, ANTHONY ALBANESE: Firstly, can I say Gong Xi Fa Cai, Happy Lunar New Year, the Year of the Rabbit. It's fantastic to be here in Box Hill, one of the centres of multicultural Australia and to be here with Carina Garland, our fantastic Member for Chisholm. But also the Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Andrew Giles, and local state members. Australia has a great opportunity to be an even better country in the future. We have the opportunity to embrace all the diversity that is within our midst.

Speech - Lunar New Year Festival

Ni hao, Box Hill.

Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Could I thank firstly, Bihong Wang and the Asian Business Association of Whitehorse.

Can I thank as well and acknowledge the major sponsor here Golden Age for their support for this event.

Can I importantly acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are the traditional owners of this land and pay my respects to their elders, past, present and emerging.