Radio interview - ABC Radio National Breakfast

PATRICIA KARVELAS, HOST: There's been mixed reaction to the Albanese Government's third Budget with big spending on electricity bill subsidies for everyone and the big future made in Australia's centerpiece, nearly $23 billion over the next decade for critical minerals, hydrogen and manufacturing. But the Opposition has already vowed to vote the Future Made in Australia bill down. The Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese joins me now. Prime Minister, welcome and congratulations on your Budget.

Radio interview - Triple J Hack

DAVE MARCHESE, HOST: Anthony Albanese, welcome back to Hack. Good to be back with you. We just heard from Luca, she's saying she's on the verge of homelessness. She can't afford her rent, can't find another place to rent. She gets rent assistance but says this increase in the Budget is nowhere near enough to make a real difference. She's struggling mentally and she wants to know from you why there's not more support for people like her in the Budget, Prime Minister, what do you say to Luca?

Radio interview - 2GB

CHRIS O’KEEFE, HOST: Anthony Albanese, the Prime Minister of Australia, is on the line. PM, thanks for your time.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: G'day, Chris. Good to be with you.

O’KEEFE: I want to start with our borders. There's a story in the Sydney Morning Herald this afternoon that you are mothballing Nauru Detention Centre. Why are you doing that?

PRIME MINISTER: Well, we're not.

O’KEEFE: So why has it been reported like that?

Radio interview - Nova 93.7 Breakfast

NAT LOCKE, HOST: If you know us, you know how much we love a Federal Budget.

NATHAN MORRIS, HOST: We love it so much we turned it up and had a party.

LOCKE: Here to tell us, well, obviously he's going to tell us how great it is. Our friend, the Prime Minister. Good morning, Albo.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: G'day. Good to be with you. And it's good that Nathan's back. You got the whole team. I missed you last week.

Radio transcript - Triple M Adelaide

HOST: Never thought you'd have your own song did you, Prime Minister?

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Indeed, it’s a bit of spin on the Eagles.

HOST: Yeah, that's right.

HOST: Do you like music?

PRIME MINISTER: I love music.

HOST: I just want you to sing when the music stops for me. Here we go.


PRIME MINISTER: We love our club, and we play to win, riding the bumps with a grin.

Radio interview - KIIS FM

KYLE SANDILANDS, HOST: Ladies and gentlemen, would you please be upstanding for the Australian national anthem as Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, is doing the rounds this morning after the Budget was handed down last night. A lot of great news I heard, for a lot of folks in the Budget. Obviously the losers, the other, the other team, the opposition. I don't even know why they, of course they're going to complain and pick holes and things, but I think all in all, I think they've done a great job with this Budget for a lot, a lot, a lot of folks.

Radio interview - Fox FM

FIFI BOX, HOST: It’s one of the busiest days of the year, I imagine, for our Prime Minister, but he joins us now. Anthony Albanese, welcome back to the show.

PRIME MINISTER: Good to be here. It is a very busy day, but you're always a priority.

FIFI: Thank you, Prime Minister. And can we just quickly apologise while you're on hold, our senior producer, James Blake, who is a bit of a pest, was having a chat to you and we could see he was chewing your ear off, so just apologies for that. He’s a bit of a fan.

Television interview - ABC News Breakfast

MICHAEL ROWLAND, HOST: The PM joins us now in the Senate courtyard at Parliament House. Prime Minister, good morning. Thanks for joining us.


ROWLAND: I want to start with the energy bill relief announced by the Treasurer last night. ACOSS, the Australian Council of Social Service, says in this view it's extraordinarily wasteful. Not means testing that giving it to millionaires as well as people struggling. They've got a point, haven't they?