ABC RN Breakfast

PATRICIA KARVELAS, HOST: US President Joe Biden has pulled out of the Presidential race and has officially endorsed his Vice President, Kamala Harris, for the Democratic nominee. Whatever happens in November, it's clear now that America will have a new President next year. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joins me now. Prime Minister, welcome to the program.


KARVELAS: What are your reflections on the Presidency of Joe Biden and his decision to step down?

Press conference - Cairns

MURRAY WATT, MINISTER FOR AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES, FORESTRY & EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Well, what a beautiful day here in Cairns in tropical North Queensland. And it's a pleasure to have our Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese in town for what is Australia's largest regional show, here at the Cairns Regional Show. We've had the opportunity to meet some of the show Queens, the show Kings, rural ambassadors and lots of friendly people here in far north Queensland.

Radio interview - ABC Far North Queensland

CHARLIE MCKILLOP, HOST: Excitement is reaching a pressure point down here at the Cairns Showgrounds. Not only is it People's Day when we'll see tens of thousands of people flooding through the gates when the gates open in just a few minutes time, but we have a special guest with us in Cairns today. The Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese has just stopped by. And Mr Albanese, I've got to say that you get blamed for a lot of things, but on behalf of Far North Queenslanders waking up on their coldest July morning for years, did you have to bring the Canberra weather with you?

Radio interview - 4CA Cairns

MURRAY JONES, HOST: Anthony Albanese. Good morning. Nice to see you.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good to be here, I’ve brought beautiful weather here.

JONES: Oh, look, it is just gorgeous, there's no doubt about it.

PRIME MINISTER: Waking up here this morning, it was just stunning. And it was a nice night last night. I had a good meal here in Cairns.

JONES: Good on you.

PRIME MINISTER: Tribute to the local economy here.

Press conference - Townsville

SCOTT STEWART, QUEENSLAND MINISTER FOR RESOURCES AND CRITICAL MINERALS: Well good afternoon everyone, it's great to have the Prime Minister of Australia coming to one of the best parts of the world, and that's here in Townsville. And he loves coming back to Townsville, he told me and it's great to have him back in town, particularly here at the Port of Townsville. Now we know how important this Port is. The Port started and then the town built around it, now we have one of the largest commercial ports in North Australia.

Doorstop - Winton

DAVID ELLIOT, EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN, AUSTRALIAN AGE OF DINOSAURS MUSEUM: Prime Minister, welcome to Winton. It’s a bloody pleasure to have you, finally got you here. So we've been going for 20 years and we finally got a Prime Minister here, because Anthony Albanese is the first.

Doorstop - Brisbane

MADONNA JARRETT, LABOR CANDIDATE FOR BRISBANE: Good morning everybody, it is my absolute pleasure as the Labor Candidate at the upcoming Federal Election to be here with Anthony Albanese, our Prime Minister, here at the Red Hill Goodstart Early Learning Centre. Early education is so foundational. But this sector has found it really difficult since COVID. We’ve been walking around today listening to the staff and others explain to us what some of the real challenges are.

Trump shooting an attack on shared values and freedoms

Along with all Australians, I was shocked by the terrible scenes at former President Trump’s campaign event in Pennsylvania.

I’m relieved by the news that the former President is safe and doing fine, and I wish him and his family well.

I applaud the swift work of US security agencies.

I am also saddened by reports that a member of the audience has lost their life, and others attendees have been injured.

I send my condolences to their loved ones in this time of grief.

Let us be clear.