A Future Made in Australia Bill will build a stronger, cleaner economy

Today the Government will introduce the new Future Made in Australia Bill 2024 and Future Made in Australia (Omnibus Amendments No. 1) Bill 2024 to Parliament, a major step in making the Australian economy more prosperous and resilient.

This legislative package is a key part of putting our Future Made in Australia plan into action, so Australia makes the most of the major economic and industrial opportunities of the energy transition.

Television interview - ABC 7:30

SARAH FERGUSON, HOST: Prime Minister, welcome to 7:30.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Thanks for having me back.

FERGUSON: Will Senator Payman still be in the Labor Party at the end of this week?

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Well that, of course, is a decision for her. She has made the decision that she can't be bound by what puts our team together. And I would like to see her re-join the team and that option is certainly available to her.

Australian Paralympic Team launch

I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and I pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging.

I acknowledge our distinguished guests, in particular all the members of the Australian Paralympic Team. 

Men and women from every part of our country, who all of us will be cheering for when the games begin at the end of August.

It is an honour to join with all Australians in wishing all of you and every member of our Paralympic Team every success in Paris.

Swearing in of the 28th Governor-General

I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, and I pay my respects to elders past, present and emerging.

It is such a pleasure to be here with you on this momentous day.

I thank all the members of the diplomatic corps and all members of the Australian Defence Force who have joined us.

I also thank my parliamentary colleagues and, of course, the reason we are here: our new Governor-General, Sam Mostyn, and her husband, Simeon Beckett.

Radio interview - ABC News Radio

THOMAS ORITI, HOST: It is Monday 1 July, and that means the start of the new financial year, which means a lot of things happening. Stage three tax cuts, $300 in energy relief, and that means a few more dollars in our pockets. And perhaps this, along with other measures, could help us manage the rising cost of living. That's the intention, anyway. Many Australians will be getting a pay rise. More than 20 per cent of Australian workers will benefit from an increase in minimum and award wages. But is there a risk? What if we all go out and start spending?

Labor is delivering on help for households and a fairer society

From Monday, we are delivering even more help with the cost of living for every Australian.

Every single Australian taxpayer will get a tax cut – not just some. The Morrison government’s tax cuts abandoned everyone earning $45,000 or less. Under our government, everyone who pays income tax gets a tax cut. This is about rewarding hardworking Australians and taking the pressure off. After a decade in which the Liberal and Nationals used the power of government to keep wages low, Labor is getting wages moving again.

Honouring Governor-General Hurley

The Australian Government thanks His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC CVO DSC (Retd) for his service as Australia's 27th Governor-General.

The Governor-General and Mrs Linda Hurley have carried out their duties with outstanding dedication, working tirelessly to celebrate the good in our community.

On behalf of the people of Australia, the Australian Government will provide a national contribution of $10,000 to Dementia Australia in honour of His Excellency’s service. Dementia Australia supports people living with dementia, their families and carers.

Doorstop interview - Melbourne

TIM WATTS, MEMBER FOR GELLIBRAND: Good morning. My name is Tim Watts, I am the Federal member for Gellibrand. And it's a great pleasure to be able to welcome the Prime Minister to my community in Melbourne's west here today. We're at Sweet Magic, a very special small business for the Indian Australian community in my electorate. Sweet Magic is my go to destination anytime I am hosting a special guest, anytime I'm marking a celebration of a significant event. They hooked me up for Holi.

Prime Minister's Olympic Dinner

I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and I pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging.

It’s an honour to join all of you here this evening, as we continue a great Australian sporting tradition.

Ever since 1984 and the LA games, this dinner has brought together champions of Australian Olympic history and leaders from across the business community and civil society to support the extraordinary men and women who will be representing our country on the biggest stage in world sport.

Doorstop interview - Melbourne

CASSANDRA FERNANDO, MEMBER FOR HOLT: Good morning everyone. And welcome to JD Propagation in the electorate of Holt. And it's great to see our Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, right here in the electorate of Holt and in the southeast suburbs. I have lived in the southeast suburbs for over 25 years since I moved to Australia. And I would like to thank Jen and Dan for hosting us here today and showing us around. JD Propagation is located right here in the electorate of Holt. And they employ over 55 people and most of them are local.