Media statements

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: I am honoured to announce that His Majesty The King has approved my recommendation to appoint Ms Samantha Mostyn AO as Australia’s next Governor‑General. Ms Mostyn will be the 28th Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia and the second woman to hold this office. Sam Mostyn is an exceptional leader who represents the best of modern Australia. She has lived her life in the service of a powerful Australian principle: when more people have the opportunity to fulfil their potential, our nation is a better place.

Australia’s new Governor-General

His Majesty King Charles III, on my recommendation, has approved the appointment of Ms Samantha Mostyn AO as Australia’s next Governor-General.

Ms Mostyn will succeed His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret’d) and will be Australia’s 28th Governor-General when she is sworn in on 1 July 2024.

Ms Mostyn is known for her exceptional service to the Australian community. She is a businesswoman and community leader with a long history in executive and governance roles across diverse sectors.

Boosting workers' pay will help Australians not just to get by, but to get ahead

My government is working to ensure no Australian is held back and no Australian is left behind.

That is why we’re recommending to the Fair Wage Commission’s Annual Wage Review that Australia’s low-paid workers do not go backwards.

Encouragingly, real wages have returned to growth and, for the first time in more than five years, real wages have grown for three consecutive quarters.

After a decade where stagnant wages were a deliberate design feature of the Liberals’ economic policy, it will take time for Australian workers to feel like they’re making headway.

Television interview - ABC 7:30

SARAH FERGUSON, HOST: Prime Minister, welcome to 7.30.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good to be with you, Sarah.

FERGUSON: Have you spoken to Zomi's family?

PRIME MINISTER: I have spoken to Zomi's brother. They are, of course, devastated by this news. This is just an extraordinary tragedy, it's one that they certainly weren't expecting. Zomi knew the risks, but when you're there providing aid and support and doing such extraordinarily good work, you don't expect that to happen.

Doorstop interview - Redbank

MILTON DICK MP, MEMBER FOR OXLEY: Welcome to Redbank, it’s such a privilege to be the local Federal Member, to welcome the Prime Minister, Minister Conroy, Shayne Neumann, my parliamentary colleague, and Lance McCallum, the local State Member and a Minister in the Miles Government. Today is a historic day for our community, where we're seeing a real investment in jobs for the future. And I'm so proud that here in Redbank we'll see 600 jobs, a billion-dollar investment, but more importantly, the jobs of the future being built right here in Ipswich.

Biggest ever defence deal to make us safer and richer

Labor has just landed the single largest defence export agreement in Australia’s history – and the deal means jobs and economic opportunity for Queensland.

Queenslanders will be building more than 100 new Boxer heavy weapon carrier vehicles at Rheinmetall Defence Australia’s Military Vehicle Centre of Excellence at Redbank in Ipswich.

This new agreement will secure 600 direct jobs in Queensland, with economic opportunity flowing right through the supply chain. These armoured vehicles will be exported for use by the German Army.

Resolution of wine dispute with China

The Australian Government has been notified that, from 29 March 2024, China will remove its duties on Australian bottled wine.

We welcome this outcome, which comes at a critical time for the Australian wine industry.

The re-entry of Australian bottled wine into the Chinese market will benefit both Australian producers and Chinese consumers.

This outcome affirms the calm and consistent approach taken by the Albanese Labor Government and follows the success of the similar approach taken to remove duties on Australian barley.

Radio Interview - Triple M Newcastle

TANYA WILKS, HOST: It's popped already, a little story pre-empting the fact that our Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, is heading to the former coal fired Liddell power station site right here in the Hunter to make an announcement about our nation's solar panel industry and he's with us now. Good morning, PM.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. Good to be with you again.

WILKS: You too. What time will you be there?