Parents and economy to benefit from latest reform

Labor’s extension of Paid Parental Leave became law this week – and more than 180,000 Australian families are expected to benefit.

By 2026, every family with a new baby will be able to access a total of six months paid leave, shared between the two parents.

And single parents will be able to access all 26 weeks.

Representing a $1.2 billion investment, it is the biggest boost to PPL since it was first introduced by the former Labor Government in 2011.

Support for the Lowitja O’Donoghue Foundation

The Albanese Labor Government is proud to contribute $3.5 million to support the Lowitja O’Donoghue Foundation to honour the remarkable legacy of the late Yankunytjatjara woman and support the next generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and public sector leaders.

The Lowitja O’Donoghue Foundation was established in 2022 with support from the Albanese Government to create pathways for First Nations people to carry forward Dr O’Donoghue’s vision for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.

New laws expand Paid Parental Leave – more support for working families with biggest expansion since 2011

Labor’s changes to Paid Parental Leave – expanding the scheme to a full six months – will now be law after the Paid Parental Leave Amendment (More Support for Working Families) Bill 2023 was today passed by the Senate.

That means new parents will be eligible for more Paid Parental Leave from 1 July this year with the passage of this historic legislation.

More than 180,000 families are expected to benefit from the expansion of the scheme each year with expecting parents able to pre-claim from March 26.

Critical minerals will open up our regions

In a time of continuing global economic uncertainty, it’s more important than ever for Australia to build our self-reliance and invest in our economic resilience.

That’s what our Government’s vision for a future made in Australia is all about: a stronger, more diversified economy with greater opportunity and security for all.

Realising this vision requires us to seize the unique opportunities and natural advantages that can see Australia lead the world.

Panel interview - Building a Bigger, Better South Australia Forum 2024

DAVID PENBERTHY, HOST: As an Adeladian in Sydney, and I think the journos, the eastern states journos, are the worst offenders, particularly in the backdraft of the State Bank having collapsed and with the car industry, so much of the narrative locally was we need to be saved, we need to be helped - you heard words like mendicant state, handout state - has the perception changed, do you think, over the other side of Australia?

Building a bigger, better South Australia

I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, and I acknowledge Elders past, present and emerging.

It is a great pleasure to be with you. I’d like to thank The Advertiser for its Building a Bigger, Better South Australia campaign – and for facilitating today’s conversation.

Since the last time we were together, South Australia has been an important part of my schedule. In fact, this is my 15th visit to South Australia since my election as Prime Minister less than two years ago.