Radio interview - FIVEAA

DAVID PENBERTHY, HOST: Well, Anthony Albanese is in Adelaide today where he's going to be the keynote speaker at the Advertiser's annual event, which is entitled 'Building a Bigger and Better South Australia'. Prime Minister, good morning and thank you so much for joining us.

Memorial for Senator Linda White

It is a sad honour to join with you today to farewell our dear friend, Linda White.

We come together to pay respects and grieve for someone taken from us far too soon.

Yet what will long outlast our sadness is our pride in all that she was, and all that she did.

Her achievements. Her warmth. Her capacity. Her wisdom.

Linda was a beloved friend and a valued colleague.

Linda understood both the fragility of democracy, and the duty of every elected representative to strengthen democracy by working to restore the public’s faith in it.

Doorstop interview - Eastern Creek

CHRISTINE HOLGATE, CEO OF TEAM GLOBAL EXPRESS: Hello, everybody, and a big welcome to Team Global Express. We're exceptionally proud to have our Prime Minister here with us today. And of course, the Honourable Minister Chris Bowen. Today is all about starting that journey to net zero, transport is 19 per cent of emissions and if we're going to create a safer and cleaner Australia, people like ours would need to embrace the change. So, on that note, I may pass to Minister Bowen and he may follow. Thank you.

Radio interview - 2SM

RICHARD KING, HOST: Joining me now is the Prime Minister. Good morning, Prime Minister.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: G'day, Richard. Good to be with you.

KING: Likewise. Look, you're making an announcement and I don't know anything about it because your people wouldn't tell me anything about it, but a big announcement about EV trucks. Can you tell us a bit more about this?

Radio interview - WSFM

AMANDA KELLER, HOST: We've been talking on the show this morning about how some councils in Melbourne are going to charge SUVs and large utes more to park because of the space they take up and I guess what they add to our roads. Well, we're hearing this morning that the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, has announced that EV trucks will be hitting our Sydney roads to tell us more. Hello, Prime Minister.


ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: G’day. Good to be with you.

Radio interview - ABC Sydney

SARAH MACDONALD, HOST: The Prime Minister joins me now on ABC Radio Sydney with an announcement about EVs and trucks. Good morning to you, Prime Minister.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning, Sarah. Good to be with you.

MACDONALD: Good to have you. Now, I know you're in Sydney for an announcement and before we get to it, we've just been talking a little bit about the barney about the GST in NSW. The Premier saying it's really unfair, we're losing money. Are you dudding your own State after cuts to the GST share?

Major critical minerals funding unlocks Northern Territory jobs and positions Australia as renewable energy superpower

The Albanese Government will provide up to $840 million (US$550 million) to help deliver Australia’s first combined rare earths mine and refinery in the Northern Territory, creating local jobs and securing Australia’s position as a renewable energy superpower.

The refinery will create over 300 new jobs across the Northern Territory while also diversifying our critical minerals supply chain. A first of its kind in Australia, the project is an ambitious step forward for our rare earths and critical minerals industry.

Putting cleaner trucks on Sydney roads

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese today launched a fleet of 43 electric trucks on Sydney roads, marking another milestone in the Government’s Driving the Nation program with Minister Chris Bowen, the CEO of Team Global Express, Christine Holgate, and the global CEO of Volvo, Martin Lundstedt.

These high-tech trucks are the first of 60 purchased by Team Global Express as part of their $44.3 million Depot of the Future project including 36 Volvo FL Electric trucks and 24 Daimler Fuso eCanters.

Doorstop interview - Darwin

JASON CLARE, MINISTER FOR EDUCATION: It is so good to be here at Stuart Park Primary School this morning with the Prime Minister, the Chief Minister, with Mark, and my good friend Gos, and Karen Weston, the boss of the Department. This is a big day for the Northern Territory. It’s a big day for all the kids that are growing up here in the Northern Territory. And it is a landmark day for public education right across the country. This is a big deal. This is a billion dollar deal that we are announcing today.

Australian and Northern Territory Governments agree to fully and fairly fund all NT public schools

All Northern Territory public schools will be fully and fairly funded by the Australian and Northern Territory Governments following a historic agreement signed today. 

Both Governments have signed a Statement of Intent to increase funding for all public schools in the Northern Territory to 100 per cent of the Schooling Resource Standard (SRS), by 2029.

This means Northern Territory public schools will reach the full and fair funding level two decades earlier than they would under current settings.