Press conference - Sydney

GED KEARNEY, ASSISTANT MINISTER FOR HEALTH AND AGED CARE: Good morning everybody, my name is Ged Kearney, I'm the Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care. And it's such a pleasure to be here in Grayndler at the Leichhardt Medical and Dental in the Prime Minister's hometown. It's really great to be here with him. Labor is the party of Medicare, and we've been celebrating forty fabulous years of Medicare over the last few months. It really is something to celebrate. And I'm very pleased to say that Labor has strengthened Medicare.

Radio interview - RPP FM

HOST: A very good morning to you - good morning and Mr. Prime Minister.

PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. Good to be with you.

HOST: Welcome.

HOST: Oh, nice to be with you. Welcome to our little radio show down here on the Peninsula. And I believe there's something happening on the weekend?

Radio interview - 3AW

TOM ELLIOTT, HOST: Joining us live in the studio is the Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese. Mr Albanese, good morning.

ANTHONY ALBANESE PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. Good to be with you, Tom.

ELLIOTT: Now, you've got a big by-election tomorrow in the seat of Dunkley in Melbourne. We've already spoken to pollster Kos Samaras, he said it is too close to call. Do you think you'll win?

2024 ASEAN-Australia special summit to celebrate 50 years of partnership

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will host leaders of ASEAN and Timor-Leste for the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit in Melbourne from 4-6 March. 2024 marks 50 years since Australia became ASEAN’s first external partner.

Australia has strong and far-reaching ties with the region. We are connected by families, friends, education and business.

As a bloc, ASEAN is Australia’s second largest two-way trading partner. More than one million Australians have Southeast Asian heritage.

Vale Senator Linda White

All of our hearts in the Labor family are broken at the passing of Senator Linda White.

Linda was formidable. A beloved friend, a valued colleague, a dedicated parliamentarian and, through all her efforts in the wider labour movement, a devout supporter of working Australians.

Linda made a difference.

MUA Quadrennial Conference

Labor’s tax cuts passed through Parliament this week. Tax cuts built on the unwavering spirit of fairness that is shared by the Australian Labor Party and the Maritime Union of Australia. The fairness on which we can build a better future.

We’re giving all of Australia’s 13.6 million taxpayers a tax cut because we support the aspirations of every Australian.

We’re helping you earn more and keep more of what you earn – and that will make a real difference to households right across Australia.

Joint Media Statements - Parliament House, Canberra

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA: A very warm welcome to President Marcos to Canberra. My visit to Manila last September was an important one for the future of our relationship. Australia sees the Philippines as a central player and a crucial partner for us in Southeast Asia. So, it's great to welcome you here today on your first official visit to Australia as President of the Philippines, and it was a special honour to host you for your historic address to Parliament.

Realising Australia’s strategic partnership with the Philippines

Prime Minister Albanese and President of the Republic of the Philippines HE Ferdinand R Marcos Jnr reaffirmed the strong relationship Australia and the Philippines share during the President’s first official visit to Australia this week.

President Marcos’ address to a joint sitting of the Australian Parliament highlighted the close cooperation between Australia and the Philippines under our upgraded Strategic Partnership, signed by Leaders last year, and our shared commitment to an open, resilient and prosperous region.

Welcome to President Marcos

President Marcos, on behalf of the Australian Government and the Australian people, it is my very great pleasure to welcome you and the First Lady to our Parliament.

This is an historic occasion for both our democracies.

It is also the natural next step in our nations’ growing partnership. 

The bilateral relationship between Australia and the Philippines is now 78 years old. 

Our ties of trade and culture, friendship and family are centuries older.