Radio interview - 5AA Breakfast
WILL GOODINGS, HOST: Prime Minister, good morning to you.
ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. Good to be with you.
WILL GOODINGS, HOST: Prime Minister, good morning to you.
ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. Good to be with you.
I am so delighted to be here with you
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ALI MOORE, HOST: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, welcome to ABC Radio Melbourne Drive.
ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good afternoon. Wonderful to be talking with you and I hope you're enjoying Frankston.
MOORE: Well, it'd probably be better if you were down here, perhaps. But you have been in this electorate, I understand, a bit. How are you feeling about the 2nd of March?
SARAH MACDONALD, HOST: The Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese is in the studio, after meeting Debbie Harry online. Good morning, Prime Minister.
ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. Good to be with you.
MACDONALD: Look, people are suggesting she could play at your wedding.
PRIME MINISTER: Well she’d be pretty good, wouldn't she?
MACDONALD: Any plans yet?
MICHAEL WIPFLI, HOST: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, welcome! Recently engaged to the beautiful Jodie.
ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Yeah, thanks very much for the warm welcome. I've got to say, though, there's no champagne here, just to be clear, it's got a bit of a, given recent incidents with pot plants, we're not drinking at this time of the morning.
KATE RITCHIE, HOST: No. And you can celebrate without champagne, am I right?
KYLE SANDILANDS, HOST: Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese.
JACQUELINE LAST, HOST: Look at you, new engaged. Congratulations.
SANDILANDS: Good morning, Prime Minister.
ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. Thank you so much.
SANDILANDS: How exciting.
ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Thanks everyone for joining us and thanks for the very warm welcome, I've got to say, that we've had here in Western Australia over the last three days. It’s been a very good visit. And at the Cabinet meeting yesterday, we heard from Premier Cook about issues facing Western Australia.
LOUISE PRATT, LABOR SENATOR FOR WESTERN AUSTRALIA: I want to acknowledge that we are here on Noongar country. I'm announcing today that I'll be making way for a new Senator to come forward to represent both WA and WA Labor at the next election. I informed the Prime Minister of my intention a couple of weeks ago. And it's a great honour that you're able to join me here today to make this public. My Senate term, of course, doesn't end until the middle of 2025.
ALLAN ALDWORTH, HOST: And right now, we have the Prime Minister of the country in the studio. Anthony Albanese, good morning.
ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. Wonderful to be here.
ALDWORTH: We feel like we're mates. We see you all the time coming over to WA and hanging out with us.
PRIME MINISTER: This is my 18th visit as Prime Minister.
PRODUCER: Please welcome the Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese.
XAVIER, HOST: Always, the Big Day Out, you were mentioning.
XAVIER: First one, off the bat. And there was a little band that you were interested in seeing.
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