Labor government is completely committed to GST deal for WA

Labor’s cost-of-living tax cuts have passed the parliament, ensuring every West Australian taxpayer will get a tax cut.

When I became Prime Minister, I promised to visit Western Australia 10 times a year. Last week I made my 18th visit to your state.

I also promised to bring Federal Cabinet to WA twice. As of last week, Cabinet has been three times – twice to Perth and once to Port Hedland.

From my first day as Labor leader in 2019, WA was at the heart of our vision for the future.

Television interview - Today

KARL STEFANOVIC, HOST: The Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese is celebrating what he's calling a huge win this morning, with stage three tax cuts passing the Parliament overnight, we'll see 13 million Australians get more tax relief from July 1.

SARAH ABO, HOST: And the PM joins us live now from Canberra. Prime Minister, good morning to you. A good result in the Senate for you.


ABO: How is it that that hasn't translated to the polls? Why aren't they better?

Television interview - Sunrise

MATT SHIRVINGTON, HOST: Let's go to Canberra now. And Labor has had a huge win overnight with its reworked stage 3 tax cuts sailing through the Senate after the Coalition waved it through.

NATALIE BARR, HOST: The passing of the bill is being hailed as a win for every single taxpayer. And Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, joins us now live. Good morning to you, Prime Minister. We will get to tax cuts in a minute.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. Great to be with you.

Press conference - Parliament House

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good evening and thanks for joining us at this unusual time for a media conference. But Labor's cost of living tax cuts have just passed the parliament. This is a huge win for all 13.6 million Australian taxpayers. It means 84 per cent of Australians will get a bigger tax cut than they would have under the Liberals plan. Under Labor, Australians are earning more and they will get to keep more of what they earn. Peter Dutton wants people to work longer for less, and this is a great divide in Australian politics.

Albanese Government's cost-of-living tax cuts to roll out from July 1

The Albanese Labor Government’s cost-of-living tax cuts today passed the Senate.

We want Australians to earn more and keep more of what they earn and our bigger tax cuts for more taxpayers will help make that happen.

Labor's legislation will deliver a tax cut for every taxpayer, and more tax relief for more people to help with the cost of living.

The legislation that passed the House of Representatives on the 15th of February and passed the Senate today is all about relief and reform – more relief for workers and better reform for our economy.

Television interview - Seven News Melbourne

MIKE AMOR, HOST: From Mount Eliza to Frankston to Seaford and Sandhurst, this area in the southeast has the attention of the nation ahead of this weekend's Dunkley by-election. Joining me now from Canberra is Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. Afternoon, Prime Minister.


AMOR: 56.3 per cent of Dunkley voted “no” in the Voice Referendum. How confident are you that they'll back Labor in this Saturday's by-election?

Visit by the President of the Republic of the Philippines

Prime Minister Albanese will welcome the President of the Republic of the Philippines, HE Ferdinand R Marcos Jr, and First Lady Louise Araneta-Marcos to Canberra from 28 to 29 February for their first official visit to Australia.

President Marcos will address a joint sitting of the Parliament of Australia, in recognition of our two nations’ shared commitment to democratic values and a common vision for an open, resilient and prosperous region.

Navy Week 2024

It’s an honour to be here with you tonight and to join in celebrating Navy Week for 2024.

And I want to congratulate you on the insight of the theme you have chosen for this year.

“Our power at sea is derived from the wellbeing of our Navy people and their families”. 

That is a timeless truth.

Because the great strength of the Royal Australian Navy and indeed our entire Australian Defence Force has always been the people who serve our country.

The men and women who wear the uniform and their families, because they also serve.