Radio interview - Mix 94.5 Perth

PETE CURULLI, HOST: Great to have you back at the studio, Prime Minister.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Great to be here with a bit of Blur as the intro.

CURULLI: We know it's one of your favourites.

PRIME MINISTER: It is indeed. It's always guaranteed to get people up and dancing and it's such a happy song.

KYMBA CAHILL, HOST: Isn't it. Look out, we've put something in his water. No, I’m only kidding.

CURULLI: Are you all right?

Western Australian Chinese New Year ball

I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet.

And I pay my respects to elders past, present and emerging.

I want to also acknowledged the Premier of Western Australia, Roger Cook, the former Premier as well, my mate, Mark McGowan.

And I could run through the members of the Caucus of my Government who are here, but basically it might be easier to just name those who aren't here.

Innovative new partnership to give more Western Australians a place to call home

A new partnership between the Albanese and Cook Labor Governments will deliver more than 200 new homes in Perth, giving key workers and Western Australians in need, including older women at risk of homelessness, a safe and affordable place to call home.

A new apartment building, to be constructed on Pier St, Perth, will provide 219 new apartments, of which 30 per cent will be new social rental homes (66 apartments) and 20 per cent will be affordable rental homes (44 apartments).

Opening remarks - Federal Cabinet

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Hello everyone and welcome, particularly to the Premier of Western Australia, Roger Cook, for what is our third Cabinet meeting here in WA since our election in less than two years ago. I promised to bring Cabinet here twice, so we've exceeded that with two meetings here in Perth and one of course up in Port Hedland. And this is my 18th visit to Western Australia, I've been to Perth and Port Hedland, Karratha, Kalgoorlie, Albany, Bunbury, Fitzroy Crossing, and other places as well in this great state of WA.

Radio interview - Nova Perth

NATALIE LOCKE, HOST: Please be up standing. The Prime Minister is in the house.

SHAUN MCMANUS, HOST: Hello, sir. Good to see you.

LOCKE: Welcome back.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Wow. A level of respect I haven't always got in this studio. Moving into these close quarters…

LOCKE: I know, we’ve changed.

PRIME MINISTER: Yeah, you've changed.

NATHAN MORRIS, HOST: Sitting back down now, that's too close to exercising.

Press conference - Perth

MATT KEOGH, MEMBER FOR BURT: Well, it’s great to welcome the Prime Minister here to Thornlie TAFE, the largest TAFE campus in the South Metro, and a really important facility here, providing Fee-Free TAFE courses across my local community here in Burt in the south east suburbs of Perth. We've got over 10,000, 14,000 people that work in trades, technical skills, often on the mines. We've got over 11,000 people working in personal support roles, whether it's NDIS, in our hospitals, aged care facilities, supporting people and kids in early childhood education.

Radio interview - 96FM Perth with Clairsy and Lisa

DEAN CLAIRS, HOST: Lisa, here we are on the 19 February, so we're five days beyond all the romantics who came out of the woodwork on Valentine's Day.

LISA SHAW, HOST; Valentine's Day was particularly special for our Prime Minister. We'll talk about that in a minute. But I think he must have seen we were having a couple of days of 43 degrees and thought, ‘I want me some of that’. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is with us. Hello.

CLAIRS: Morning, PM.

Radio interview - ABC Perth Breakfast

MARK GIBSON, HOST: Prime Minister, good morning. Welcome back to the West.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: G'day, Mark. It's wonderful to be here again back in Western Australia. I think I've now been here more than the three previous Prime Ministers combined. But I do love coming to WA. It's such an important state for our national economy and it's always a great place to visit.

GIBSON: It's also a very warm welcome for you, Prime Minister. Now -

Press conference - Perth

VARUN GHOSH, SENATOR FOR WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Well, welcome to Hyde Park. My name is Varun Ghosh, I'm the newest Senator for Western Australia. We're very happy to give a warm welcome to the Prime Minister, to this lovely group of West Australian workers and members of the community to talk about Labor's tax cuts, Albo’s tax cuts here in Western Australia today.